short list. looking to buy...

By Broccos, in 5. AGoT Trade Forum

hunting these cards, looking for someone to help me out... looking to buy...


Melisandre, F105 x3
Compelled by the King, F26 x3
Iron Throne, F46 x1
Robert's Loyalists, F5 x1
King Robert's Host, F4 x2
R'hllor's Blessing, F86 x1
Die by the Sword, F47 x2
King Robert's Hammer, F106 x1
Seat of Power, F6 x3
The Power of Blood, L194 x2
The Power of Arms, S200 x2
After the Mummer's Ford, F48 x1
An Empty Throne, F53 x1
Stay of Execution, F52 x2
Retaliation, F80 x1

I have a few cards on your list, but i'd be more interested in trading. email me at thejibboo -at- yahoo if you'd be interested in seeing if we could work out some trades.