Final missions revised version

By bugmenot2, in Anima: The Card Game

Can anyone list all final mission, i lost my 3 final mission card :/


Can anyone help me?...

26 views, 0 answers... :/'s really unsetting...I also visit this topic sometime since I own the original version of Shadow of Omega and would appreciate to know their "Revised" version, but it really seems that other users of the forum are not interested in giving out the information...

Ok, so I just bought the revised edition of Shadow of Omega, so here's the missions:

Final Mission: Destroy the Soul of Infinity


Go to Infinity's Lair (Tower At The End) and destroy the Soul of Infinity before it is absorbed by Omega. To destroy it, you must take a Speed Check: the results will tell you how many turns you must resist in the Area. If you roll a 16 or higher, you must remain in the Area for one turn, a 14-15 means two turns, and 12-13 means three turns. If your result is below a 12, you fail the Mission and must re-attempt it in a subsequent turn. If you are able to stay in Infinity's Lair for your designated number of turns, you shatter the Soul of Infinity.

Crisis! 10 Turns

You must take a Speed Check. If you roll a 16 or higher, you must face and destroy Omega itself to complete the Mission.

Omega Lv 18

Mystical Creature

Final Boss; Destroy Omega


Go to Infinity's Lair (Tower at the End) or Graven, City of Nightmares (The Wake), and destroy the final enemy, Omega. After being defeated, Omega will adopt a second, more powerful form, the Lord of Infinity, which you must also defeat to win the game. Both Combats take place in the same turn.

Omega Lv 15

Mystical Creature

The Lord of Infinity Lv 18

Mystical Creature. If the Lord of Infinity is victorious, a Character from the losing Party dies, even if the difference between rolls is less than five.

Crisis! 8 Turns

You must defeat the Lord of Infinity (above) who gains +2 to his Combat Ability.

Final Mission; Stop Nightmare's Advances


Go to graven, City of Nightmares (The Wake), and halt the advances of the soldiers of shadows. To do so, you must remain in the Area for two consecutive turns, defeat the Dark Legion in each turn. The Party may be attacked by other Parties during this time. If at any time you lose a Combat, you must resart the Mission from the beginning.

Dark Legion Lv 14

Mystical Creature. The Dark Legion is considered a Creature of Darkness.

Crisis! 8 Turns

You must defeat the Dark Legion in three consecutive Combats in the same turn.

I don't have any of the expansions yet, so I'm hoping it's Shadow of Omega you needed the missions for. As I said before, this is from the revised edition, so this should help both of you out. Happy gaming!

Thank you a whole lot. You were extremely kind. This will be very helpful for me!

Hey, no problem, we're all on here for the love of games. So it's no problem helping others out. Besides, you gave me a lot of info when I had questions.