MEGA-Rare AGoT pre-production original artwork for sale!!!!!

By rbaron76, in A Game of Thrones LCG

Hello All!!!!

I could use your support!

I am getting married this fall.

I have an extensive collection of fantasy art, and am selling off some peices to save for my wedding.

I have 2 original signed air-brush paintings from Michael Calandra, that were used in the production of AGoT card game!!!!

Michael Calandra was commisioned by George R. R, Martin to create artowrk that would be used on the face of the cards for the card game "A Game of Thrones"

These are original pre-production artworks, and are one of a kind!!

I have the original pre-production signed paintings for the "Stripped of Honors" card, as well as the "Northern Minstrel" card.

These are not prints, or reproductions. These are THE ACTUAL COMMISIONED PEICES used to make the cards in pre-production. There will not be another oppotunity to own these original AGoT artworks!

They are up for auction on Ebay right now, at a very low starting price.

Simply do a search for "Game of Thrones Artwork" and you will find them:







Feel free to ask me any questions you like about these original artworks!

GRRM does not have anything to do with commissioning of artwork for the game. FFG has their own artists stable they draw from and commission to do artwork for their games.

So while these may have been the original pieces done before they were made digital and sent to FFG, they were not commissioned by GRRM. Just a correction for you so you can adjust your auction properly, so fans won't think you are trying to scam them. Good luck and congrats on the wedding.