Is this game playable solo?

By pumpkin, in The Lord of the Rings: The Board Game

If this game is co-operative, is it realitvely easy to play solo by playing more than one hobbit at once?

What are the problems/changes needed, if any, with solo play if it is possible (some other people have made comments on solo play, so i assume it is)

Does this also apply to the various expansions, assuming they are going to release for the silver line edition at some point?

thanks in advance

Playable? Yes. Boring? Very. I think so at least.

I played it solo while learning how to play so I could teach my friends, and playing alone wasn't nearly as fun as with a group. There's just not enough narrative anything to keep me interested. I need something like Arkham Horror to play solo.

Go ahead and give it a try. It's definitely easier because you have access to all the cards and you don't have to worry about other people using the cards at the "wrong" time. But then for me, that's part of what makes it boring.

Played this good 40+ times solo, works very nicely. Adding expansions adds challenge to it (I think my record is something like 18-27 currently). I play games to win, story doesn't interest me and with the amount of randomness this game has, it isn't a cakewalk win, which is key for me.

Thanks for your comments. I'll keep thinking about it for now


I like the "puzzle solving" aspect that playing solo creates. I control Frodo, Sam, and Pippin.

I play many other games like this too.

Yes - it's very good solo. I usually use 3 hobbits + many of the expansion elements.