Monster Wishlist

By Jayhotep, in Mansions of Madness

I know it's a bit early to start thinking expansions, but any thoughts about what sort of monsters, characters, etc to expect in later releases?

We are already getting Cthonians, shoggoths, zombies, Mi-Gos, Hounds of Tindalos, Cultists & witches. What other essential Lovecraftian monsters are we missing? Obviously we can't have as many monsters as Arkham Horror, but it seems safe to use it as a basis for what's available. I'm sure we'll eventually get an Innsmouth themed expansion with Deep Ones & Deep One Hybrids. Other important creatures could include Dark Young, Elder Things, Flying Polyps, and possibly Rat things, Dimensional Shamblers, or Night Gaunts. Did I leave anything out?

Colour Out of Space would like a mindmeld with you demonio.gif !

Dam said:

Colour Out of Space would like a mindmeld with you demonio.gif !

that would be a hard one to color..

On the other hand, it would show who is really into HPL and who's just posing lengua.gif .

Dark Young is probably the next must.

Maybe great race? Though they always seemed more protagonists than antagonists. Maybe flying polyps?

Oh, and Ghouls. Gotta have the ghouls.

An expansion with the five Masks of Nyarlathotep (like the ones from Arkham Horror) would be awesome.

Maybe an expansion that highlights flying creatures and includes a Flying Polyp, Byakhees, and Nightgaunts? With outdoor terrain and flying rules?

I like the Dark Young and Deep One ideas.

Again, we can only dream...

MustardTheTroops said:

Maybe great race? Though they always seemed more protagonists than antagonists. Maybe flying polyps?

Oh, and Ghouls. Gotta have the ghouls.

Just Gotta aplauso.gif long as MoM is in a Mansion other monsters would need to be of such a scale as to fit inside rooms.Serpent People.Tcho-Tcho,


Dholes, because we need more things that make everybody shudder in terror.

My votes are for a Dark Young and Colour Out of Space.

Considering the fact we have both Cultists and Cultists Leader, maybe it's likely to have something like Gug / Gug commander or stuff like this (a monster appearing in different versions, like some from the Call of Cthulhu LCG). Anyway, I'm with Time2Roll, Dark youngs & probably something expanding the surrounding of the hunted Mansions (am I the only one who sees this game endlessly expandable? hope the first expansion will be announced soon)

Julia said:

Considering the fact we have both Cultists and Cultists Leader, maybe it's likely to have something like Gug / Gug commander or stuff like this (a monster appearing in different versions, like some from the Call of Cthulhu LCG). Anyway, I'm with Time2Roll, Dark youngs & probably something expanding the surrounding of the hunted Mansions (am I the only one who sees this game endlessly expandable? hope the first expansion will be announced soon)

I agree this Game is massively expandable from small stuff like new Room Tiles,Scenarios,cards,Inv.& Monsters.However in keeping things logical I would think that Julia's idea about expanding the surrounding area is a must.You could easily (well with a lot of talent & work by FFG) bring out expansions set in exploring the Nameless City or the Elder Things City in Mountains of Madness or an old mine in the SW/US(can't remember the name of that story).Additional "outside Tiles" swamps/forests or a new building like a museum.

If your going to add larger monsters you need to have logical tiles to put them in,Dholes or Gugs in the bedroom or even Dark Young seem a bit much.I think MoM does a nice job in selecting logical monsters that could appear.Cthonians we can assume are the immature smaller type from the CoC/RP Game.One of the things I found hard to except in AH was the monsters(especially the Big Ones) parading all over the town and the random selection,where you were going against Goo but most of the monsters had nothing to do with that Goo.


Old Dwarf said:

If your going to add larger monsters you need to have logical tiles to put them in,Dholes or Gugs in the bedroom or even Dark Young seem a bit much.I think MoM does a nice job in selecting logical monsters that could appear

That's a good point! Warlocks, Witches, Ghouls, Wraiths, Mummies (an expansion with a setting similar to Arkham Dark Pharoah could be fun) are very likely to be found in such Mansions. Let's see... Oh, how I wish it'll be supported like Battles of Westeros is :-)

I want a scenario with mr Jenkins. It seems the perfect setting for it :)

presumably they'll be a bit clever and make expansions have a bit of everything; more invesitgators for a start...

You mean Brown Jenkin, that rat-type thing? Yeah, that was one creepy story. What about that Hound (not the one of Tindalos) that appeared in one story? One of my favourite HPL stories is about that dead doctor who kept himself from decaying by cooling his apartment. That would be an awesome room encounter!

Yep Exactly so. Brown Jenkins :) Perfect set up. Yes the Dr who has to keep himself cool would be another perfect encounter and set up. Also things in the walls would be another one...

So many possibilities , I could go on and on.