Help with missing card - chicken and egg situation

By trikkydikky, in Warrior Knights


Got a bit of a chicken and egg situation with a missing card for warrior knights.

Conversation goes as follows

Me: "Hi, I'm short of an agenda card for Warrior Knights"

FF: "Sure, we can replace that for you, which card is missing"

Me: "I dont know, its missing!"

Does anyone have any idea of there is a website out there that actually lists the cards for Warrior Knights (or other games for that matter) so that you can work out by a process of elimination which card you dont have



This is what I have for Agenda Cards:

Ambassador to the Holy Lands
Ambassador to the Orient
Bail Out the Treasury
Ban Cowards
Banned from Office
Earl Marshal
Emergency Funds
Encourage Overseas Expansion
Expel Certain Mercenaries
Hardship Fund
Hereditary Offices
High Constable
Income Tax
Keeper of the Keys
King's Courier
Lift Sieges
Limit Army Size
Lord Chancellor
Lord Commander
Lord Great Seneschal
Lord High Steward
Lord Provost
Lord Surveyor
Lord Treasurer
Majority Holder
Marshal of the Realm
Master of the Gates
Master of the Revels
Master of the Royal Stables
Master Ranger
Mercenary Tax
Private Motion (2 cards)
Re-Attribute a Charge or Office
Salt Concession
Spice Concession
Tax on Concessions
The Building of the Cathedral
Traitor to the Crown
Veto Power
Wine Concession
Wool Concession

the egg is still in the chicken...

The contents page of the main rule book has a misprint and is corrected in the FAQ.

The Faq shows the Agenda cards to be 44 in number rather than the 45 listed in the rule book.

there is your missing card - it never existed gran_risa.gif partido_risa.gif