What sort of expansions would you like to see from FFG regarding Battlelore?
I just recieved my copies of Horrific Horde and Bearded Brave - and am really liking what I see. Of course I'll be grabbing Code of Chivalry as soon as I can - but are there any neat little expansion ideas floating around out there?
FFG could produce some small expansions with a similar intent to Troll and Country - but with a different approach - let me clarify here before I'm lynched!
A small boxed expansion based on a locale - let's say
Secrets of the Wild Woods (Though it could easily be anything else - I am picturing several of these each with their own small theme).
Such a small expansion could include:
A Guest Lore Master ( Druid ) - who specialises in manipulating movement rates through terrain, terrain effects, creating, relocating or removing basic terrain, causing 'weather' to occur (rain for example - which could reduce the effective range of ranged weapons and cause any retreat to inflict panic losses (Goblins double). Lore Cards (15) and Lore Council Tokens (2)
A new hero - based on the Druid Lore master (could also be an Elf or something as a lead in to something more later). Two miniatures, plus skills cards as well as an item or three to mix into the deck.
One or two new terrain pieces - magical locations (similar to the Witch's Hut and Graveyard from the Heroes expansion in terms of how they are played)
Such as:
Henge : A unit in a henge space is immune to the effects of any Lore card played against it (from either player). A Unit in a Henge space collects double Lore for every Lore rolled. Creatures may not enter the Henge.
Faerie Ring : A unit that enters this hex through movement or retreat must roll 1 combat die for every miniature in the unit - for every lore rolled the unit suffers the loss of 1 figure (taken by the Faerie). Banners lost in this way are simply removed from the game (ie: they are not awarded as victory banners).
1 Creature :
Faerie Kind (Collection of whispy cavalry on a creature base): Blue Banner (perhaps) Special Power - (Tricks and Lure of the Fairy Kind)- for each lore rolled in combatthe Faerie Kind may cause the unit it is attacking to move1 hex toward a chosen empty terrain hex. If the unit moved in this way enters the terrain hex it becomes 'lost' - place a 'lost' token on it. Each time a 'lost' unit is activated it may roll it's combat dice (trying to find it's way free) - any flags rolled must be rerolled to check for panic losses. If the unit rolls a lore the 'lost' token is removed (panic losses are always inflicted before a lost counter is removed - a Lost unit never retreats. A lost unit may not move or battle. A lost unit may not be attacked in ranged combat or melee, and it may not have Lore Cards played on it. (or something a little different and fun)
Two Scenarios : Both utilising the new terrain pieces, and perhaps some adventure seeds for use with Heroes. One normal, one epic.
In any case - just an idea - probably quite expensive and requiring a lot of playtesting now I've written it all done - but some small expansions with a mix of elements would be a bit of fun - sort of like a little adventure pack.
In any case - what would you like to see?