Expansion idea

By caradoc, in Battlelore

What sort of expansions would you like to see from FFG regarding Battlelore?

I just recieved my copies of Horrific Horde and Bearded Brave - and am really liking what I see. Of course I'll be grabbing Code of Chivalry as soon as I can - but are there any neat little expansion ideas floating around out there?

FFG could produce some small expansions with a similar intent to Troll and Country - but with a different approach - let me clarify here before I'm lynched!

A small boxed expansion based on a locale - let's say

Secrets of the Wild Woods (Though it could easily be anything else - I am picturing several of these each with their own small theme).

Such a small expansion could include:

A Guest Lore Master ( Druid ) - who specialises in manipulating movement rates through terrain, terrain effects, creating, relocating or removing basic terrain, causing 'weather' to occur (rain for example - which could reduce the effective range of ranged weapons and cause any retreat to inflict panic losses (Goblins double). Lore Cards (15) and Lore Council Tokens (2)

A new hero - based on the Druid Lore master (could also be an Elf or something as a lead in to something more later). Two miniatures, plus skills cards as well as an item or three to mix into the deck.

One or two new terrain pieces - magical locations (similar to the Witch's Hut and Graveyard from the Heroes expansion in terms of how they are played)

Such as:

Henge : A unit in a henge space is immune to the effects of any Lore card played against it (from either player). A Unit in a Henge space collects double Lore for every Lore rolled. Creatures may not enter the Henge.

Faerie Ring : A unit that enters this hex through movement or retreat must roll 1 combat die for every miniature in the unit - for every lore rolled the unit suffers the loss of 1 figure (taken by the Faerie). Banners lost in this way are simply removed from the game (ie: they are not awarded as victory banners).

1 Creature :

Faerie Kind (Collection of whispy cavalry on a creature base): Blue Banner (perhaps) Special Power - (Tricks and Lure of the Fairy Kind)- for each lore rolled in combatthe Faerie Kind may cause the unit it is attacking to move1 hex toward a chosen empty terrain hex. If the unit moved in this way enters the terrain hex it becomes 'lost' - place a 'lost' token on it. Each time a 'lost' unit is activated it may roll it's combat dice (trying to find it's way free) - any flags rolled must be rerolled to check for panic losses. If the unit rolls a lore the 'lost' token is removed (panic losses are always inflicted before a lost counter is removed - a Lost unit never retreats. A lost unit may not move or battle. A lost unit may not be attacked in ranged combat or melee, and it may not have Lore Cards played on it. (or something a little different and fun)

Two Scenarios : Both utilising the new terrain pieces, and perhaps some adventure seeds for use with Heroes. One normal, one epic.

In any case - just an idea - probably quite expensive and requiring a lot of playtesting now I've written it all done - but some small expansions with a mix of elements would be a bit of fun - sort of like a little adventure pack.

In any case - what would you like to see?



As a further idea - and combining one I've mentioned before in another thread. It could be fun to have a deck of 'Quest' cards - cards like those in A Call to Arms, but which place terrain on the board as well as Quests which a hero may satisfy.

Quests could be like those in the Heroes expansion - treasure chests and so forth. They might also be 'Encounters'. Things like The Green Knight - a champion that defeats the green knight gains a victory banner, experience or item. An Imprisoned Princess - freeing her will gain a hero a victory banner and/or item. A Mystic - activating a champion in the same space as a mystic will gain the player X lore tokens. The Black Knight - a red banner knight who guards a bridge or ford on the board. etc.

Quests could be produced to tie thematically in with small expansions like the one I described above - Quests about druids and standing stones, lore and searching in forests etc.

In any case - just an idea.



I'd really like to see a "draconic" army of some type. Somehow the Draconian armies from Dragonlance have always stuck in my head. And... well just look at the name, I have a thing for dragons. I suppose elves or undead would be more popular but a draconic army would be something unexpected which would be cool. I think I'd definetly pick up BL for that.

Mostly I'd like them to embrace the fantasy aspect more. And I agree a stronger and more developed setting would be neat. Though looking through FFG's game lines they don't seem to develop their own worlds much, just license others or leave it generic. Unless they decide to just set it in Terrionoth (sp?). They just don't seem to be world builders.

I'd love to see a campaign book in either BL or BoW. Preferably both. The one for Memoir '44 just looks really awesome. If they ever decide to do it I hope they steal ideas from it shamelessly.

New Races (but in large expansions so they become a viable army almost straight away. The piece-meal approach of the dwarfs and goblins grated after awhile - we need to complete the new armies in maybe two larger expansions)

Race-specific Heroes (could be released with creatures or even in Race packs.)

Campaign Book

More Loremasters and Lore cards

More creatures

I do like your idea Giles. Very nice.

I think a campaign book is the way to go. BattleLore is great, but so many of the battle objectives are basically just kill as many of the opponent as you can. I'd like some more variety, such as hold the bridge or capture the king or slay the dragon. To do this, the rules could be the same, but the victory objectives would not be contingent on how many flags you capture.

Also, I've been reading about Joan of Arc, a prominant figure in the Hundred Years War. I think some heroes packs featuring famous characters from the Hundred Years War would be cool (such as Joan of Arc, the Black Prince, John II, Henry V, etc.). These hero packs could be fairly small, featuring a hero such as Joan of Arc (or heroine as it may be), and the pack could contain a couple specialty cards, a token or two, and a few battles to fight.

Boromir_and_kermit said:

The piece-meal approach of the dwarfs and goblins grated after awhile

What really bugs me is all the little rule books I have to dig through to find the one I want. One Goblin rulebook, Dwarf rulebook...or better yet, just one core rulebook with everyhting in it, would be a lot better (even if it was a PDF I had to print up).

Interceptor said:

Also, I've been reading about Joan of Arc, a prominant figure in the Hundred Years War. I think some heroes packs featuring famous characters from the Hundred Years War would be cool (such as Joan of Arc, the Black Prince, John II, Henry V, etc.). These hero packs could be fairly small, featuring a hero such as Joan of Arc (or heroine as it may be), and the pack could contain a couple specialty cards, a token or two, and a few battles to fight.

I hadn't even thought of this. What a great way to make Battlelore unique and fun! They could choose to make them totally historical, or fantasy-them-up a bit. Either way I think it's a great idea.

If they were to follow a hero orientated approach - it would be nice to have two heroes per pack, as opponents. It would be cool to have scenario booklet focussed on a particular campaign too!



caradoc said:

If they were to follow a hero orientated approach - it would be nice to have two heroes per pack, as opponents. It would be cool to have scenario booklet focussed on a particular campaign too!

Another great idea! Too bad FF doesn't actually look at these forums, there is some real gold here!