46. Cannons and fatigue markers.

By Corbon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark FAQ Update Discussions

Cannons in SoB:

SoB, pg. 26: Remove fatigue tokens from cannons at the same time they are removed from ship’s stations.
(> pg. 24: At the start of the next round, remove the fatigue markers from all ship’s stations.)

SoB, pg. 26: At the start of the round, any hot cannon that doesn’t have a fatigue token on it (and therefore hasn’t been fired that round) is flipped back over to its cool side.

If both actions (remove fatigue, flip cannon to its cool side) are done at the start of the round, what is the timing for that?

Obviously, if "remove fatigue" is done first, all cannons are then flipped to their cool side at the beginning of any round, and placing the fatigue markers is 100% useless.

So, is "cooling down" to be done first?

Further, the part "(and therefore hasn’t been fired that round)" is confusing since obviously no cannon has already been fired that round at the start of a round.

Probably it should read "At the END of the round, any hot cannon that doesn’t have a fatigue token on it (and therefore hasn’t been fired that round) is flipped back over to its cool side."

This erratum would also immediately and elegantly solve the issue of the timing mentioned above.

Suggested Erratum:
Change the final paragraph of SoB pg26 to:
At the end of the round, any hot cannon that doesn’t have a fatigue token on it (and therefore hasn’t been fired that round) is flipped back over to its cool side.

Could you add to this question if a cannon ca be fired multiple times in one turn/round?

Unfortunately, Corbon's errata proposal is based on a misunderstanding of the rules. There is no timing issue if the rules are applied as they are written. Rulebook p. 26: At the start of the round, any hot cannon that doesn’t have a fatigue token on it (...) is flipped back over to its cool side [and therefore isn't flipped if it has a fatigue token on it].

So when there isn't a fatigue token on the cannon at the beginning of the round, the cannon is flipped (if it is hot), and when there is a fatigue token, the cannon is not flipped and the fatigue is removed.

However, there remains a possible confusion as to whether fatigue tokens on cannons have the same effect as those put on stations that have been manned (i.e.: that they cannot be used again that round). It could be implied, but it is not explicitely mentioned - the subject has been discussed in a 3-page thread on the main page. This leads to the question of whether cannons can be fired multiple times per round or not. Therefore, rather than the errata proposed by Corbon, I propose the following question:

Q: Can cannons be fired multiple times per round?

A1: No. The fatigue tokens placed on cannons after they are fired (rulebook p. 26: " Whether a cannon attack hits or not, place a fatigue token on the cannon like a ship’s station that has been manned. Remove fatigue tokens from cannons at the same time they are removed from ship’s stations ") work like the fatigue tokens placed on ship stations, i.e. they prevent the cannons to be fired more than once per round.

A2: Yes. The fatigue tokens placed on cannons after they are fired only serve to indicate that the cannons stay on the "hot side" the round after they have been fired.

This thread is about a necessary erratum for the final paragraph on pg. 26 of the SoB rules, which doesn´t make any sense if left unaltered - at the start of a round it is not possible for a cannon to having been fired the round that just started.

Our suggested erratum fixes this and as well the timing issue (which you already failed to grasp in the mentioned discussion, so I don´t expect you to grasp it here).

The question you proposed here was already suggested by you in the proposal thread, and as usual, it will go into the FAQ proposal based on the support it gets there.

Please keep the individual threads tidy to avoid extra work. Thank you.

Parathion said:

This thread is about a necessary erratum for the final paragraph on pg. 26 of the SoB rules, which doesn´t make any sense if left unaltered - at the start of a round it is not possible for a cannon to having been fired the round that just started.

Our suggested erratum fixes this and as well the timing issue (which you already failed to grasp in the mentioned discussion, so I don´t expect you to grasp it here).

The question you proposed here was already suggested by you in the proposal thread, and as usual, it will go into the FAQ proposal based on the support it gets there.

Please keep the individual threads tidy to avoid extra work. Thank you.

Sorry, I was fulfilling gran_orco's request, who asked to add the cannon question in the first reply.

The reason my question is not out of place in this thread is that your erratum proposal is dependent on it. If cannons can be fired only once per round, your erratum would make the "hot" side completely useless: a cannon would be fired, get turned on the hot side and get a fatigue token, and since your erratum would remove the fatigue token at the end of the round, the cannon would be flipped back to its cool side at the beginning of the very next round. Therefore, a cannon could never be fired while on its hot side.

If cannons can be fired only once per round, the erratum would be better this way: SoB rulebook, pg. 26 - At the start of the round, any hot cannon that doesn’t have a fatigue token on it (and therefore hasn’t been fired the previous round) is flipped back over to its cool side .

Therefore, to answer your erratum proposal either positively or not, the FFG people who will compile the FAQ will FIRST need to answer whether cannons can be fired multiple times per round or not - that's why the cannon question has to be included in this thread! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Obviously you didn´t even understand what the erratum is aimed at: At the end of the round, hot cannons without fatigue are flipped back to cool. Fatigue is still removed the round after the cannon was fired and thus serves its intended purpose to indicate possible cooling or not.

This is completely independant from cannons being fired only once or multiple times per round.

So, I maintain my request to keep that question out of here.

I just noticed I indeed misread your erratum! sorpresa.gif My apologies. sonrojado.gif

Your erratum works as well as my proposal ( At the start of the round, any hot cannon that doesn’t have a fatigue token on it (and therefore hasn’t been fired the previous round) is flipped back over to its cool side ).

I don't see much of a difference between the two, except maybe that in Descent, it is more usual to flip items back to their normal state at the beginning of turns/rounds. But as said, your erratum works too.

PS: the cannon firing question still needs to be asked somewhere .