Shakespearian Insult Generator

By CharlieBananas, in Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

I've got to have this open when I next GM Warhammer... "Thou withered clapper-clawed puttock!"


CharlieBananas said:

I've got to have this open when I next GM Warhammer... "Thou withered clapper-clawed puttock!"


lol that reminds me of Frasier for some reason partido_risa.gif

I put it as a resource link in my house rulebook for unwholesome hasty-witted bum-bailey dilettantes.

Good call.


Most excellent. Ta, sirrah, ta.

Apologies for the thread necromancy of the highest order but I went one better. I've created an excel file based on the above. Since it's editable it allows you to input your very own curses.

Want a string of curses for your Sigmarite Witch Hunter?

Thou art an "odiferous, sigmar vexing, dung gatherer

Or your Dwarf?

He be a "girly, elf buggering, troll barf of a man

Oodles of fun :) lol