new full-color maps for free downloads (new ffg article) and question about rumors

By Dominik6, in Mutant Chronicles

Not sure that's good news, though... It's getting closer and closer to what we were supposed to get in the map pack...


I recognize many of them.. Hope we'll get a confirmation of some kind regarding the game though.. But I guess that's not likely. Or?

FFG? Anything you'd like to tell us?

On the downloaded tileset, there is the Mars astrologic symbol. gui%C3%B1o.gif

That hurts ...

At least the miniatures ... please ... the miniatures ... llorando.gif

I´ve printed out the map tiles in full color at 81% (they fit all very well in that scale). But i think, some tiles (it´s definetly the mars map pack) are still missing.

Does someone already use the new tiles?

Dominik said:

I´ve printed out the map tiles in full color at 81% (they fit all very well in that scale). But i think, some tiles (it´s definetly the mars map pack) are still missing.

Does someone already use the new tiles?

I used them; loved 'em, although mine came out a bit large. I posted a Batrep with images of them being used! Woot!

I´ll see, and i put my question again in your new thread. I´m sorry for that. happy.gif

You also run a campaign? We too.

Because my playgroup wants to play with the new tiles, but there are "just" 8 of them (they don't want copies of the tiles an we need a a bigger map), i made a little new arrangement of the existing cardboard elements, so that we have now new "unique" cardtiles... maybe someone else needs (or wants) them, so here is one: (File is 4.5 MB)

Enjoy !

You guys can blame me if the game does go away. It never fails, as soon as I get into something it gets canceled. I started watching Farscape, the next thng you know it gets canceled. I start playing Heroclix, Wizkids shuts down. I'm pretty sure I'm bad luck for this kind of stuff. It's a shame cause I really like palying.

Hehe. the Mutant Chronicles license has known many disasters with RPGs, TTGs, CCGs in the past 15 years. This is a doomed license with very hard skin (and very patient fans). gui%C3%B1o.gif

Man! I think back to the Doomtrooper CCG and the Warzone MG; HOT **** I LOVED THEM BOTH SO MUCH!

I had heard from a friend at FFG that they were going to try and push MC, alas, I think they have failed. When his demo crew came to the local game store, I was the ONLY guy who already knew how to play, and the ONLY guy who played the game with him. No one there was interested. From my research, this area has no MC fans, and it shows, as almost ALL the stores in my area are selling the Warpacks at 50-60% off; not a bad thing for me, because I BOUGHT A TON OF THEM, demonio.gif !!

The history of MC is a sad one, but the fans actually do wait, and we love it THAT MUCH.

Me and my fiance STILL play the Doomtrooper CCG and STILL play Warzone all the time; we started a small campaign a while ago with the CCG and its now gone on for a total of 4 months! Woot! We also play the CMG tons, and will support it 'till the end!

Don´t tell me about "dead games", i´ve played and collected HorrorClix and the old prepainted Battlefield Evolution game ...

Sellings are okay in my own store and i hope FFG will get the first set completly done.

Kind of sad, uhm? Well, don't worry, we're MC fans. Patience is our weapon, iron is our will. Let's support this until the very end (and so far), and promote the game all we can (in my close friends, the MC players became from one to six, and growing) gui%C3%B1o.gif