Caste district

By mjbarrett, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

I was reading this bit on page 352 in the rule book: under Tsua'Malor

so basicly the equalatiral city has a district for each caste relating to their chosen element so far:

Earth caste= bronze fortress

air caste= floating platforms

what do you guys think about what kind of disrict would the water caste and fire caste have?


mjbarrett said:

I was reading this bit on page 352 in the rule book: under Tsua'Malor

so basicly the equalatiral city has a district for each caste relating to their chosen element so far:

Earth caste= bronze fortress

air caste= floating platforms

what do you guys think about what kind of disrict would the water caste and fire caste have?


My views on the Tau as a whole place considerable importance upon the function provided by the Water Caste, while moving the Ethereal Caste to a more important but less prevalent role - appropriate, considering their rarity, as there appear to only be 5-7 Ethereals in total in the Velk'han expeditionary coalition.

As I view them, the Por deal with the day-to-day running of society, serving to comprise and oversee the bureaucracy, the economy and inter-caste collaborations - they're everything from shopkeepers, librarians and customer service operatives to bankers, politicians and diplomats. Its likely that they're the single most widespread of the Castes, with senior members of other castes employing Water Caste assistants and adjutants. The domains of the Water Caste, then, are quite likely to be gleaming cityscapes, reminiscent of the centre of major human cities, while the Earth Caste (who cover all science and industry, from agriculture and manufacturing to theoretical physics and medicine) would probably be better suited to academic and industrial complexes, filled with workshops, factories and laboratories. The Air Caste would most likely limit their time on-world - generations of living in micro- and artificial gravity have left them uncomfortable on solid ground, meaning that Kor facilities tend to be orbital stations and similar.

The Fire Caste are easily dealt with, really, as we know the most about them. They're the military, and consequently their domains are ones devoted to honing their talents in warfare, comprised of training simulators and mock battlefields surrounded by the spartan quarters of the Shas .

Now, as a whole city, I'm thinking of concentric rings, each devoted to a Caste, centred around a palace/temple to the Ethereal Caste (an Aun'retha , to construct a word from the little Tau that has been revealed). The Water Caste, whose role is administrative, control the district which surrounds the Aun'retha , which is in turn surrounded by a narrow ring of starports and airfields controlled by the Air Caste, giving them a token presence on the surface. The factories, laboratories and suchlike stretch out for miles around that, the labours of the Fio requiring much space. At the outskirts, and stretching outwards into the wilderness, is the district of the Shas , serving both as a home for the warriors of the Tau, and as a first line of defence against an aggressor.