My campaign thread goes into The Witch's Song next, and so I will leave that until that supplement has been out for a while. So, meanwhile, here's an old playtest we did of Winds of Change with the same players, but different (starting) characters. Again, I kept to the RAW as much as possible, but this is based on a test version and so will not be exactly the same as what got published.
Winds of Change Session One
Clock Fight
Edrich, Human Watchman
Cornelius, Bright Wizard
Jerome, Dwarf Thief
Cornelius was called into his master's office at the Bright College and told that as he was nearing the end of his time as an apprentice he should begin to prove himself and convince the College he was worthy of becoming a wizard. The master told him about strange eddies of the Winds that seemed to be centring on a slum area in the south of the city. They had sent another apprentice, Hermann Gratz, down there, a few days ago, to check it out, but had heard nothing from him. Now the College was getting concerned because tomorrow was Geheimnisnacht and any bad magic would be much more potent at such a time.
Cornelius went to find two people he knew who should be able to help. He approached Jerome the Dwarf who he knew could handle himself in such an area, and Edrich the watchman who would be good to have in a missing person search.
The three of you wandered down to Schmutzplatz in the district of Oggasse which is where Gratz had headed to. It was after midday and so you had less than 36 hours before midnight on Geheimnisnacht.
The square looked like it had been nice once, but was very run down. The clock tower in the middle was broken and leaning, and the watch post was un-manned. You checked out Magpie's pawn shop, which Edrich and Jerome knew belonged to Oggasse's Mr. Big, a halfling you shouldn't mess with. There was Dove of Love, a Shallyan soup kitchen which had a bunch of down and outs hanging around outside it, waiting for it to open. That was next to the Eagle of Luccini tavern. There was also a coopers, a scribes, a fishmongers and a pet shop.
Jerome went to talk to the gang of down and outs, attracted by the strange appearance of the Kislevan marauder looking guy who was plainly their leader. They weren't interested in his chit chat, though, and the Kislevan taunted the dwarf for being short. Jerome made his excuses, but made a note to seek revenge on the Kislevan.
The soup kitchen opened and you noticed two young Shallyan priestesses were in charge of feeding all the homeless and ne'er do wells.
Edrich went to the Eagle and overheard one of the locals telling a story of how he confronted the Monster of Oggasse. Everyone was buying him drinks, and the story changed a lot, but the gist was, he saw a man-sized feathered creature swoop down from the rooftops and attack him in the street and he fought it off. Edrich tried to make conversation, but the locals blanked him too.
Cornelius walked around the square using his magical sight to detect any unusual eddies of the Winds of Magic. Eventually he caught a whiff of strange magic mixed in with the cabbage soup of the soup kitchen. He also visited World of Bird briefly and saw that the place had mainly birds for sale, and the old man behind the counter talked to his pet bird a lot.
Jerome got speaking to a patron of the Eagle about the monster of Oggasse. The man gave him a reward poster apparently offering 50s for the body of the monster.
Then you all went to World of Bird to check it out. For some reason you thought it might be connected to the feathered monster of Oggasse. Jerome implied that he was an agent of Magpie and that a gift of an exotic songbird might be a good idea. The shopkeeper seemed to agree and gave you a bird in a cage as a gift to Magpie.
You took it to Magpie's pawn shop. You spoke to a halfling covered in bling and offered the gift, which he accepted. He didn't seem particularly interested in talking about the monster, though. While you were in there, Cornelius noticed some goldy looking symbols for sale which had obviously come from the Bright College. He asked about them but the halfling said he had better things to do than remember everyone who came in selling stuff. Edrich was anxious that Cornelius did not pursue the matter too strongly. You began to suspect that Gratz had met a bad end down in Oggasse.
Back on Schmutzplatz night was falling. You saw a bunch of kids shouting 'stone the mutant!' and throwing stones at a poor dwarf with no legs. You went over to help him out, and the guy explained he was a war veteran who lost his legs fighting the goblins in the mountains, and that kids today were worse than back in the old days. You talked to him about the monster and he said old Sally Rachmann reckoned it was living on her roof. The dwarf said he didn't believe in the monster of Oggasse, but you kinda worked out he wasn't telling the whole story. You asked if the dwarf would help you look for the monster, but he said he would be rubbish at it.
When he had gone you noticed a sudden fluttering of big wings up at the top of the clock tower. You decided it could well be the monster of Oggasse. Cornelius had to go back to the College, because it was apprentices' bed time, but the other two of you decided to climb up the tower to see what was up there.
You could feel the thing creeping and straining as you climbed each storey; the whole building felt like it could fall at any moment. As you approached the top a birdlike head with black iridescent feathers and dead black eyes showed itself through the trap door. Acting quickly Jerome threw some rubble in its eyes and Edrich poked it with his halberd. It scratched back at you. Then Jerome threw a dagger at it, and Edrich smacked it with his halberd once more, and the thing was dead. You could see the thing was some sort of mutant abomination about man size and weirdly unnatural. You lowered it carefully to the ground and tied it to the halberd and carried it off to the watch house.
You spoke to Captain Steik who agreed that it was the monster of Oggasse and promised your reward would be ready for you in the morning. You took some of its feathers as a trophy and receipt. And Steik wrote you an iou. Jerome didn't want to trust him, but Edrich was confident there was honour among watchmen.
You decided to head back to the Eagle. The Kislevan nutter was there. Jerome managed to swipe his purse. He found rather too much money in it, for a homeless thug who eats at a soup kitchen, and also there was a crumpled up map. Jerome thought the map must be a sewer map, and it showed an entrance and a route leading to a large round area, though there was no way of knowing which entrance to the sewers it could be.
He decided to buy the Kislevan and his gang a load of drinks. But when the Kislevan rudely mentioned that he would have preferred a short, Jerome drank half of his drink.
Edrich spread the news that the monster of Oggasse had been killed and everyone was relieved at this. Then you decided to call it a night.