anyone out there using alternate settings?

By CameraObscura84, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

is anyone out there doing this? i ask becausei have a bit of an issue with the use of the christian church ( not everyone will have this problem i realize but it does bother me)

if so what are you doing for your setting?

in the same vein what kind of other summons are you making for summoners? How bout any other interesing house rues?

Hope all are well! Have a wonderful day everyone!

If for some reasons you don't like playing with a "christian like" faith, just change it ! You can imagine it is a very important religion about protecting human people or whatever. Call it Helm or Tyr or whatever you like. Just keep Abel as a prophet because it's important for the setting, and keep the Inquisitors as a special group of knights who hunts supernatural for some reason. You don't need to keep the "catholic" taste of it if it disturbs you.

CameraObscura83 said:

is anyone out there doing this? i ask becausei have a bit of an issue with the use of the christian church ( not everyone will have this problem i realize but it does bother me)

if so what are you doing for your setting?

in the same vein what kind of other summons are you making for summoners? How bout any other interesing house rues?

Hope all are well! Have a wonderful day everyone!

The Church in Anima is no more the real Christian church than the Byron in Stephenson's the Difference Engine is the real Lord Byron. Apart from the shared names, that is.

As for House Rules, I'm thinking of combining several skills together for ease of play. There really doesn't need to be a distinction between 'Hide' and 'Stealth', for example. Or Acrobatics and Jump. It allows for a bit more secondary skill diversification.

I am currently helping my friend design a setting that is more in-line with the Final Fantasy 7 setting, as far as technological level and scenery go. The world is a gigantic city where the lower parts (original buildings) were ruined in a great cataclysm. The Technological society (name Pending) and Religious groups (Also waiting for a name) have allied together and have come to blame Magik (psychics, wizards etc.) for the destruction of their home. Now the powerful technologically aided Templar orders are hunting the Magik users thoughout the lower city. The real pain I have had designing it has been coming up with stats for "futuristic" weapons and the rules that affect them(Auto-fire, etc). Our ideas are still coming together on this but I would love to hear what people think about it.

I kind of like your ideas for what you are doning with your setting.


I was thinking of campaign where magic has actually been banished altogether, and all the supernatural creatures are gone too. A century or two later, something happens and slowly magic flows back. Heroes would be supernatural, returning to the world and trying to avoid persecution of inquisition. Also they would have to contend with other supernatural evil forces bent on worlds destruction.

There has been some work in the Edge Entertainment forum on alternate/variant settings. I've bounced around ideas of converting Dark Sun or Immortal: Invisible War to the Anima system because it works so well.

For my first expirament in an alternate setting, I will be using the anima rules, without The Gift or psychic powers, and with a few new skils, to represent a story of the next generation of the charecters in Rumiko Takahashi's Ranma 1/2.

With a little ingenuity, a system this creative, and a good erata, the sky is truly the limit, if even that. :)

Hm... Come to think of it, the core anima setting does hint at space travel, why not? :)

At the Edge Entertainment forums, there's somebody working on some sci-fi rules right now. You should pitch in with him. The discussion is avid, including whether or not there should be a separate ballistic damage type and how to handle mecha combat. (It is anime after all.)

I have been considering a particular setting for some time which I reckon Anima should quite happily deal with; Victorian Britain, but with limited psionics. The characters will start off as level 0 freelancer's and although (obviously) psychic powers will be available, they will be heavily disadvantaged, probably requiring the taking-on of all 4 psychic disadvantages on page 22. Oh, and Sherlock Holmes won't be psychic, just hideously clever, as he's always been!


Well, I'd consider, first, that you not mandate the Disadvantage (I don't have the book with me at the time) that nullifies any benefit for Concentration - it's too much in the theme of the setting. Second, please share some of your ideas with the Edge Anima Forum . There's been an ongoing discussion about armor and bullets (whether or not there should be a ballistic damage type in settings where guns are common - there's none in Anima , but then again how often do you see guns in Anima?).

Third - I'd love to see a conversion of Masque of the Red Death for AD&D Ravenloft, but that's just me.

Pneumonica said:

Well, I'd consider, first, that you not mandate the Disadvantage (I don't have the book with me at the time) that nullifies any benefit for Concentration - it's too much in the theme of the setting. Second, please share some of your ideas with the Edge Anima Forum . There's been an ongoing discussion about armor and bullets (whether or not there should be a ballistic damage type in settings where guns are common - there's none in Anima , but then again how often do you see guns in Anima?).

Third - I'd love to see a conversion of Masque of the Red Death for AD&D Ravenloft, but that's just me.

I see what you mean - I'd be looking for lots and lots of (useful) concentration, all furrowed brows etc! Thanks for the 'warning'! Can you (or anyone) give me quick way of getting to the Ballistics thread at Edge - I've had a quick look, but there's 20-odd pages to look through.



I'm woking on setting a game in the world of Avatar: the Last Airbender . I know this has been tried ad nauseum in other rpg systems, but I think I'm onto something using Anima. I've eliminated Magic and Psychic Abilities and will be using Ki Dominion techniques for all the 'bending abilities. The 'Bender Class is essentially a Technician combined with a Tao with the inherent strengths and weaknesses of both. Given that 'bending is so strongly tied to martial arts, it just made sense.

I'm setting it in the time just after Sozin's Comet and the destruction of the Air Temples. The players will probably start out searching for the Avatar but soon find a whole heap of other possibilities to explore as their frustration at not finding the Avatar and the futility of the task begins to wear on them.

I've still got a few kinks to work out but plenty of interested players for the actual game as well as play-testing some of my mods. If there is any interest, I can post my progress here.

What i'd love to see is a modification to simulate Dragonball Z and Saint Seiya settings.
It should be reasonably doable i think.

I use a setting based off of White Wolfs Exalted Setting, with a few modifications.

I am considering useing a modern setting with the Nephilem just starting to emerge in the world, sort of a "Superhero" setting, where the Supers are Nephilem.

zylosan said:

I use a setting based off of White Wolfs Exalted Setting, with a few modifications.

I'd love to explore more about this!

I've combined Spelljammer and Iron Kingdoms for the Anima setting. So the "church" ends up being Morrow or Menoth.

Another fun setting a friend of mine is converting over to the anima rules is a Tri-Gun world. We used to use West End Games d6 system (modified starwars) for it. But he is now converting it to anima.

CameraObscura83 said:

is anyone out there doing this? i ask becausei have a bit of an issue with the use of the christian church ( not everyone will have this problem i realize but it does bother me)

if so what are you doing for your setting?

in the same vein what kind of other summons are you making for summoners? How bout any other interesing house rues?

Hope all are well! Have a wonderful day everyone!

Yes I must agree their treatment of the Christian faith is in extremely bad taste. I am a christian and a gamer and was quite shocked by the background section of this book. If they wished it to not connect or compare to Christianity then they could have called it something different. For example, every final fantasy game made thus far has managed to do so, could they not excercise the same level of creativity employed by Gary Gygax and many others?

the friend that introduced me to Anima uses the Inquisition Spanish period and the Conquistadores setting in America (which is quite faithful to the spirit of the creators who are Spanish, just look at the names ; of course it shows Christian religion as very fanatic and imposing its belief with force, but it's a part of human history after all). One of his friends chose the Napoleon invasions period.

I myself am new to Anima. Still experimenting w/ character creation, and understanding gameplay. I have a group of five that have been playing Star Wars, and want to try something different. We are all huge Final Fantasy fans and found this game highly recommended. Right now we are all toying with the idea of just making our own Final Fantasy type story. Two would like to do a Erogon(books, movie sucked) type story where the "riders" are Nephilim esp ones w/ an ability to control monsters ie. dragons. The majority of the group right now are into the Percy Jackson stories and are tossing around the idea of the demigods being Nephilim. Of course nothing will be decided until I read the books and see if its workable. Any input or comments would be great.

My group is considering a Lost Girl type campaign. The hard part would be figuring the racial modifiers for whatever 'fae' the players want to be.

Hi there. First post!

Personally, I was going to run something sort of like Kingdom Hearts, but without the Disney elements, replaced by some Star Wars instead, the FF elements updated to the FF XII instead and some Firefly;. Hard to find Players when you've got exams coming up though!