Just what 2 Half Actions can be used in combat, and what should I recommend to players?

By Vertrucio, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Okay, so I'm assuming my interpretation of "Cannot do an action of the same type more than once a combat turn" to be any action of same sub-type, right?

This means any action with the attack subtype, or other subtype, cannot be used in the same turn.

Before, I'd feared that we were incorrectly handling the Feint action, but thankfully the Errata changed its subtypes to make it useful again.

However, I'm about to hit them with all sorts of nastiness from Emperor Protects, which means the nastiest genestealers I've seen in all the 40k RPGs. I'm wondering if other GMs here can give me interesting combinations of actions, or uses of individual actions I can recommend to players in case they're in a bind.

Thankfully my group has the use of squad mode abilities down so that's not an issue, but sometimes someone gets caught out alone, or in solo mode, and needs a way to not die.

For example, has anyone really made use of the Maneuver action? Do you get a free attack if you succeed in the opposed test and force the opponent to move 1 meter away?

Vertrucio said:

Okay, so I'm assuming my interpretation of "Cannot do an action of the same type more than once a combat turn" to be any action of same sub-type, right?

This means any action with the attack subtype, or other subtype, cannot be used in the same turn.

Before, I'd feared that we were incorrectly handling the Feint action, but thankfully the Errata changed its subtypes to make it useful again.

However, I'm about to hit them with all sorts of nastiness from Emperor Protects, which means the nastiest genestealers I've seen in all the 40k RPGs. I'm wondering if other GMs here can give me interesting combinations of actions, or uses of individual actions I can recommend to players in case they're in a bind.

Thankfully my group has the use of squad mode abilities down so that's not an issue, but sometimes someone gets caught out alone, or in solo mode, and needs a way to not die.

For example, has anyone really made use of the Maneuver action? Do you get a free attack if you succeed in the opposed test and force the opponent to move 1 meter away?

No RAW means no exact same actions. There is some assumption here though that the intention is that no two attack actions (including psy) can be made either.

The subtype is not that important. Some psy powers or talents or actions might limit the type of actions a players can do. That is what the subtype is for.

Against Genestealers? Full-Auto Bursts. Do not spend your reactions on anything but dodges and parries. If you can make multiple attacks action, do it. If you can't aim for a half action and make a standard attack with the other. (That's the usual stuff.)

Wounded/non-assaulty PCs can use the Manoeuvre very well as it prevents the Genestealers from using multiple attacks - they need to take a half action to close distance and strike. Other than that Defensive Stance is an option - to gain time until the close combat monsters have finished their enemies and can help out.

Make Guarded Attacks when help finally arrives - this can consume the GS's dodges and set them up for the Assault guys.

Another way to gain some time is the grapple attack.

If a Battle-Brother is in trouble urge another to use the Killing Strike talent if you think he can finish their GS off with the attack and help out.


ak-73 said:

Against Genestealers? Full-Auto Bursts. Do not spend your reactions on anything but dodges and parries. If you can make multiple attacks action, do it. If you can't aim for a half action and make a standard attack with the other. (That's the usual stuff.)

Wounded/non-assaulty PCs can use the Manoeuvre very well as it prevents the Genestealers from using multiple attacks - they need to take a half action to close distance and strike. Other than that Defensive Stance is an option - to gain time until the close combat monsters have finished their enemies and can help out.

Another trick my group figured out during the last session of Final Sanction (I swapped in the Genestealers from The Emperor Protects) is the combination of the Counter-Attack Talent (free to every Space Wolves character, courtesy of the errata), the Tactical Spacing squad mode ability (share your reactions with your friends) and tight, confined spaces (limits the number of genestealers that can attack, and controls who they can attack). If you're even half-way decent in a fight (or using the right weapons - a sword or similar helps your chances greatly), you can bring down a genestealer during its own turn.

You see that's what I don't understand. This sounds incredibly gamey to me (rules-wise).

As a GM how would you describe what the team is doing to allow the SW to parry more than he normally could? I mean, I can read through the descriptions, I can recognize the synergy between the two mechanics but it doesn't really translate into plausible game world action to me.


I'd be fine with it if the other PCs weren't stacked up behind the SW player, and were participating in the melee. But extra parries due to cheer-leading is a bit lame.

Siranui said:

I'd be fine with it if the other PCs weren't stacked up behind the SW player, and were participating in the melee. But extra parries due to cheer-leading is a bit lame.

Tactical Spacing sounds like it should be about sharing dodges against ranged attacks only, tbh.


It does, but the idea of PCs 'Wolfpacking' a foe and assisting the SW works fine with me, so long as they are actively engaged.

Siranui said:

It does, but the idea of PCs 'Wolfpacking' a foe and assisting the SW works fine with me, so long as they are actively engaged.

Well, how Tactical Spacing is supposed to accomplish that... it stretches beyond the limits of my imagination. This is the gamey part that I don't like.


Fair and valid.

I just figure that most Sustained abilities need all they can get, so as to have a vague chance at competing with some of the Sustained Chapter abilities...

I just imaging something like 300 spartan fighting style for tactical spacing, covering each other, blocking for each other, acting together as a single entity.