Imperial Fists house rules

By PatchesOHullihan, in Deathwatch House Rules

Disclaimer: some of this text has been pillaged from lexicanum 40k. however the rules are mine

Imperial Fist Characters
In military affairs, fastidious attention to detail is a hallmark of the Chapter's superlative planning and preparations. Similarly, every detail of an individual battle-brother's conduct is structured by the quest for flawless discipline and the obsession with punishment as penance for the smallest inadequacy, failure or infraction. The Imperial Fists are also famed defenders, and have earned a reputation when working in conert with other marines as the anvil to another chapters hammer.

+5 Ballistic Skill + 5 Toughness + Stoic Defence Solo Mode Ability (page 217)
The Imperial Fists suffered heavy losses During the Horus Heresy, including many hundred marines at the hands of Horus and his Chaos Marines,both on Terra and Horus’ Battle-Barge.

Bonus Talents: Imperial Fists have Hatred (Chaos Space Marines) Gains 3 extra Pain-suppressors to represent the trails he has had to undergo. Imperial fist wear their pain gloves if they attempt an objective and fail. (not much game effect thats just a roleplaying oppurtunity on the ship afterwards)

Stoic Denfenders (Chapter Demeanour)
Throughout the Great Crusade, the Imperial Fists were used as a strategic reserve, waiting while other forces pinned down the enemy and identified weaknesses. The keystone of the enemy's defence would be shattered by the Imperial Fists. The Imperial Fists tend towards a stern disposition, even in comparison to other Space Marines.
The Imperial Fists have developed particular cultural practices which tend to their obsession with conquering pain and penance. Imperial Fist carry a Pain Glove, which is both imposed by superior officers and self-inflicted. The Pain-Glove encases the whole body and stimulates pain neurons, causing excruciating without inflicting any physical damage. The function of the pain glove goes beyond simple punishment in the sense of negative-reinforcement and includes positive spiritual value. Marines endure the extreme pain of the device by disciplining themselves to meditate on on the glory of Rogal Dorn, thereby perfecting their spiritual communion with their Primarch. The Imperial Fists amongst can endure pain that would debilatate even a gen-hanced space marine.

Chapter Trappings
Scrimshaw: The Imperial Fists are known to practice scrimshaw using bones from the hands of their dead. After battle, Space Marines who distinguished themselves in the recent combat are awarded the skeletal hands of fallen battle-brothers the individual bones of which are adorned with carvings, designs, and otherwise ornamented. Scrimshaw is a undertaken solemnly by Marines of the Chapter and seen as an opportunity to practice mental discipline, focus, and attention to detail. Finished scrimshaws are worn as jewelry and ornamentation.
Carvings of Victory: Gain +3 to WS from meele attacks

Carvings of Heraldry: Gain +5 toughness when being charged or fighting a horde

Golden chains of the Father: Echlesiastical chains deal +2 damage to servants of Chaos

Rites of Battle

This is On The Boat, so it should be out shortly. It will have the Imperial Fists chapter in the book and a custom chapter generator.

Wouldn't +5 WP be a better choice than BS for the initial bonus?

On the boat? i know rites of battle is coming out shortly with a bunch of kool stuff vehicels power armor and all sorts of goodness

On The Boat means that it is currently in transit/going through customs on it's way to FFG's warehouse for distribution.

The product is traveling from the printer to our warehouse. The duration of this process varies depending on where the printer is located, be it in the US, China, or Germany, but generally takes four to six weeks.

I would estimate sometime towards the end of February.

oooooh gd times! yeah i just threw these up there in case anyone else wanted to use them in the mean time.

u think they are serviceable?

If you search the forums you'll fine an even more in-depth version by somebody else. You may want to consider his work too. Or my Crimson Fists.


Btw I have hopes for RoB to be out in 3 weeks or so.

The trappings outstrip other published ones and need a nerf. For example the UM one gives +3WS only when parrying, whereas yours does it all the time. +5 T against hordes is also grim.

Bearing in mind the physical and mental conditioning that is so prominent in the Chapter, wouldn't +5WP and +5T be a lot more appropriate?

ok il nerf them to plus 3 and change the demenour because that does make more sense