Our group has developed a fondness for props. So far, our campaign has spawned deeds to some of our holdings, patents of nobility, ork-teef necklaces and a seal for our Rogue Trader dynasty (we pass it around during combat to represent just who is getting the benefit of the Rogue Trader's leadership bonus.) Our last session, our GM even proffered us with some liquor bottles with custom-made labels. Granted, they were full of ginger ale and root beer, but that's mostly because our GM has learned from bitter experience that mixing alcoholic drinks and expensive gaming materials is a recipe for disaster. Any rate, he went with some themed liquors and the labels were a hoot. (My favorite: Commissar's Choice.)
As our group's Rogue Trader, I thought it would be nice to come up with a fancy themed bottle of my own. It still has bourbon in it, but it's been agreed that it's the Captain's special private reserve, to only be opened on the most special of occasions and, even then, drunk from sparingly.
Since the bottle already had a flash copper horse head stopper, I figured it would be from Attila (I originally liked the idea of it being from Krieg, but I really didn't feel like making a gas mask for the stopper head). Since Attila is basically Planet Mongolia, I went with the Uighur script, which looks a lot like Arabic to me, but okay. Anyway, it gave me an excuse to cover the lablels with script without having to actually write anything pithy. In game terms, "The Emperor might know what it says, but I certainly don't."
Enough with the descriptions; on to the finished product.
After taking these, I touched up the labels a bit, mostly smuding the ink and neatening up some of the trim. I'm typically a complete mess at art projects, but I'm rather proud of how this came out. Thoughts and constructive criticism would be welcome.