The Person Above and Below You Game

By WayToTheDawn, in Odds & Ends

^ I'm not sure, but I do know that She sells sea Shells down by the sea shore.

< I'm Batman

V Holy Random Response Batman!

^ holly french fried fish paste!

< that wasn't that good...but I'm sick

v has a spare ipod you can give to devilmonkey ?

^ wants my broken one

< needs new stuff

v will give me there old stuff and tell me its new


< Is a bit of a packrat

V How's the Exuberance?

^ its ok

< hates when my stuff gets moved

v moves my stuff

^ Consider 'My Stuff' moved.

< Is wonderin why no one is postin anymore, cept in the Bazaar.

v Where have you been?

^ Been Around

< Thinks People are growing tired of the game again, they'll be back when set 5 hits....tis the forums circle of life.

V Somehow I'll...make a man....out of YOU~~~~~


< Can't wait for Monsterpocalypse Now to hit stores ^__^

V Has no idea what I'm talking about.

^ Only vaguely.

< Has had a migraine all day...


^ I will bend to your will...

< Just had a fight with my GF

v Never Gonna Give You Up

^ Never gonna let you down

< Never gonna run around

v And desert you

^ wants pie

< its time for fall

v can't wait for halloween

^ It's the Most, Wonderful Time, of the year!

< Loves Falloween

V Is more of a summer person

^ I'm more of a "Not Fall" person

< professor-hubert-farnsworth.jpg Good news, everyone!

v I've invented a device which makes you read this in your head, in my voice!

^ Hilarious

< Can't stop laughing at the above post

V Bite my shiny metal ass!

^ Bit my Glorious Golden Ass!

< 358/2 Days is almost out!

V Good News Everyone!!!

^ Yes! The new game actually has a glitch, which causes your handheld device to explode!

< Wait. That isn't good news at all

v Zuzu!

^ you have one more wish

< drink when you see the robot

v nibbler! quote!

^ Futurama jokes are only funny when involving Prof. Farnesworth

< Is been painting his new Crimson Fists

v Can you tell me what this Cinnamon Toast Crunch stuff is and why it tastes so good?

^ its laced with crack

< pulled a princess and is happy

v demands a scan

^ well aren't you special...

< my bloody back hurts

v I command you to listen to Caramelldansen immediatly!

^ Watching AND Joining a CaramellDansan with Zexion and Demyx.

<LOLing from the best moments from Prof. Farnesworth

v Dude Looks Like a Lady

^ Woooooooahhhh, what a funky lady

< Has run out of animu to watch again, and is resorting to My Name Is Earl in the meantime

v Y'know that guy, that one guy, the kind o' guy you avoid, because you think he's that kind of guy because he's got the look of it to him and you think along the lines of that guy looks like one of those guys and then you think to yourself that you're thinking that they're one of those guys?

^ which exit was i suppose to take?

< im one of those guys

v tuesday!

^ The day I get drumset music for the school's musical?

< Is the lord of the pit

V Is playing Children's Card Games right now