The Person Above and Below You Game

By WayToTheDawn, in Odds & Ends

^ power...gadget POGOSTICK!!!


v respect the pouch...RESPECT IT


< just made a lame SSB reference

V prefers Marvel vs. Capcom 2

^ oh ya

< prolly spent a good $50 in quarters on that game

v Cable + Iron Man + Spider Man = win

^ No way dood. Venom + MegaMan + Jill Valentine

< I'm a member of S.T.A.R.S.!

V We Are Venom!

^ d00d, don't make me get Carnage up in this heezy

< HATED Venom in Spider Man 3

v mudkip

^ Try Listening to a 10 minute conversation between Mudkips... -_-

< Early to bed gets the Worm...or is it the Bagel?

v Cosplaying the whole day on the realease of New Kingdom Hearts game?

^ No. When I get my Org coat then I'll wear it on occasion though.

< Gonna go eat something

v I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna

^ I really, really, really, wanna zig a zig ah? right? maybe?

< Could never understand those lyrics and feels horrible for even knowing them in the first place

V Wtf?

^ Was what I said when I saw what happened when you re-arreange Xemnas's Name. XD

< Cosplaying 24 hours on release of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days. (including when I go to sleep)

V What will you do for a Klondike bar?

^ I'd put a bullet through your foot, causing you to drop it whereupon I can catch & eat it

< Had a few other thoughts about what I could do

v Mr.Potato Head

^ Mrs. Potato Head

< Wonders if Mr. Dawn has received my cards yet.

V Hmmm?

^ Recived them today actually. ^_^

< I got three Cave of Wonders Guardians Now! Go Me!

V Doesn't care for it.

^ Good for you!

< Getting Sora (Awakening)!!!!

V Jealous

^ ...what's that?

< is it good?

v is it safe?

^ Never

< Sometimes


^ Is 'dat some Kamina thar?

< Y'know, Uzuki, you should stop and smell the concrete roses.

v Lollipop?

^ You have TWEWY on your mind. AMIRITE? (Yes, lollipop.)

< Might finally get off his lazy butt, take an hour to get to the store using public transportation, buy the KH cards, then spend another hour getting home.

/ His (or her) FLGS isn't an hour's bus ride away.

^ I used to work at a gaming store. Now it's closed and the best we've got is FPI.

< Does indeed have TWEWY on the mind.

v Pi....zza?

^ a pie made out of pizza ingrediants...GENIUS


v *burps*

^ is as manly as they come

< Can't wait to be mentor'd

v Will lose to me in my first game!

^ I dunno...People tell me I'm one of the best (not that I believe them...)

< Needs to be more confident

V Gimme a Boost!

^ pssh ya, rite

< eatin bacon & eggs

v apple juice vs orange juice

^ Orange Juice all the way, cause it doesn't look like Urine.

< Prefers to not drink Urine colored things

V Is Batman

^ And Ironman to boot!

< Has a HeaDaCHe...

v Can has cure?

^ frying pans

< bored at work

v most take over the world and appoint me leader of canda