^ I like tah move it, move it
< Is playing Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix and keeps confusing O (attack in Japanese KH games) for X (jump in Japanese KH games)... Why'd they have to go all switchy-switchy!!!???!
V Enjoys seeing me suffer
^ I like tah move it, move it
< Is playing Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix and keeps confusing O (attack in Japanese KH games) for X (jump in Japanese KH games)... Why'd they have to go all switchy-switchy!!!???!
V Enjoys seeing me suffer
^Not gonna lie...I kinda do, lol
< Doesn't want to go to bed
V Will tuck me in anyway
^ *tuck* Oh wait... was that a knife?
< is going to sleep
V goodnight
^ nah, late arvo
< got paid to play with fire and powertools today
v wants my fire
^ Fire is tempting...I prefer Lightning more though.
< Can't equip abilities in KHIIFM because he can't read the kanji that each one says.
V Can read japanese
^ nope, no luck here mate
< can taste cookie
v can taste blood
^ but not my own
< shouldnt tell people that
v not surprized
^ I always knew somethin was up.
< Finally got to mess around on the forums. Cept, only when not usin my computer...
v Knows of Auditorium.
^ never heard of em
< thinks Way should change his avy to the Shroom
v thinks so too
^ Yes, he should
< Wishes there were a Black Fungus avatar for me...
v Cake or death?
^ pie
< yay! he has the avy now!
v is Way hisself
^ Creepy...it's like you have psychic powers
< I am The Shroom King
V Hail to the King Baby..
^ Heir vohl mein fuhrer
< Guten nacht
v Mein koerper ist nicht mehr mein koerper
^ no hablo espanol
< iz mai birthday today! yayz
v nobody remembered...
^ I didn't
I forgot to celebrate though...
< Just 'Huzzahed' for Devilmonkey's birthday
v Huzzah, darnit!
^ present bomb is in the mail
< has coffee
v coffee good?
^ Coffee Very Good. Pumpkin Spice Latte ftw.
< Wants some good coffee right now
V will fetch me some! chip chop chip!
^ refuses to get anyone's coffee.
< doesn't drink coffee
v drinks way to much coffee.
^ If drinking no coffe = too much then wow.
< Drinks to coffe
V Is heartless
^ more then you'll ever know.
< can't wait to go back to work.
v doesn't have a job worth going to.
^ meh, kinda boring and strenuous. BUT MONEY IS GOOD
< actually just got back from said job...
v has to work tomorow
^ Unfortunately
< Doesn't Want to Work Tomorrow
V Has the day off
^ today yes, tomorow no
< finally made it onto these forums, after being denied access all day
v was behind my rejection
^ Understands your rejection!
< Has been denied access due to my stupid computer!
v Is surprised to see me posting again!