Neutral Ground Closing

By Kennon, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Granted, I was never in NYC, so I never played at Neutral Ground, but I know I had heard of the closing earlier from our NYC players. I just thought I would post a link to this thread I found while browsing the WoWTCG forums. The last post (from Darkestpower) is particularly well written, I think.

I is certainly sad to see Neautral Groung go away. I only went to the new place once - to stop by for the Black Friday Melee - and it wasn't the same as the older place. It was much better as a store, but not as good as a gathering place for gamers...

Sad, though, I was looking forward to playing AGoT there once time permitted!

Kennon, thanks for sharing this. Losing NG is a blow to NYC players as far as "big" organized events as it had the space for larger turnouts such as seen for Black Friday and undermines the chance of new players finding the games by chance. For future big events, we will probably look to use space at The Compleat Strategist. Our more casual, weekly-ish meetups have been happening at a midtown cafe for a few months now as NG couldn't reliably give us enough table space.

Greg (MakoSlade), good to see that you found your way to the forum. When you have time, please head over to to see when NYC players will be meeting (we're currently trying to nail down some evenings in January) and post what dates, if any, may work for you. Don't worry if you don't yet have any cards, I can bring the Core Set and/or one of the prior starter sets put out by FFG for us to play with.

I went to both the old and new one...the old did have a little more "character" and playspace...but the new one was much nicer and easier to see. Sad to hear. Seemed like good people, and easy to get to for out-of-towners...

LetsGoRed said:

Kennon, thanks for sharing this. Losing NG is a blow to NYC players as far as "big" organized events as it had the space for larger turnouts such as seen for Black Friday and undermines the chance of new players finding the games by chance. For future big events, we will probably look to use space at The Compleat Strategist. Our more casual, weekly-ish meetups have been happening at a midtown cafe for a few months now as NG couldn't reliably give us enough table space.

Greg (MakoSlade), good to see that you found your way to the forum. When you have time, please head over to to see when NYC players will be meeting (we're currently trying to nail down some evenings in January) and post what dates, if any, may work for you. Don't worry if you don't yet have any cards, I can bring the Core Set and/or one of the prior starter sets put out by FFG for us to play with.