Runebound Strategery

By Ninjaman65, in Runebound

Picked up Runebound over the holiday and have played 2 games so far. Really enjoying it.

Can you guys suggest some good Runebound startegies/tips to keep in mind when playing? We just play the basic game with only the lower cost XP variant, haven't tackled the Doom Track yet.

I figure a good strategy is to lvl up your attributes to at least 10? When we got to the final red adventures, I don't think any of them were higher than 20...I think.

Runebound is a race game so taking risks will, more times than not, pay off.

Try to be the one taking on Yellows before anyone else.

If I have a lot of gold I will (if I can) buy an expensive item to protect an item I care about in case of knock out. Or be sure to spend your gold when you can. Spreading your gold over several items will reduce losses if you get knocked out.

Once someone has beaten their first Red encounter you better also be fighting Reds too. If not you're likely too far behind. I don't like fighting other players during the course of the game but once some one takes out a Red I will fight them when they are weak if I can reach them and if I think I wont get 3 Reds first.

I agree with Hein. Take on higher colored challenges as fast as possible. Also items and allies go a long way towards faster leveling. Acolyte of Flame and healing potions are two good cheap examples of ways to heal without having to waste turns going to town as often. The longer you can stay out in the field the more xp you earn and the more powerful you get.