Newbie Q regarding Dungeon Rooms

By tarasis, in DungeonQuest

hi all, got DQ for Xmas but tonight was the first chance I've had to set it up and play a game. Only got a chance to play one game, where Challara was slaughtered on turn 5 by a unexpected Giant Centipede which rolled double 6's for damage.

anyway i was curious about the Dungeon Room's. do you only draw a Dungeon card for those rooms that look like the pic on page 30? or everyroom that isnt one of the other pics? for instance two rooms i drew where:

a) woodpanelled floor, dead end room with a search symbol

b) a wood panel floored room with a door to the north and a corridor exit to the left

i didn't draw cards for them as i couldn't decide if i should or not. id welcome others thoughts.


You should've drawn in both locations. Check the arrow color if unsure, it usually clues you in on what type of chamber it is. White arrow = vanilla dungeon chamber, draw a Dungeon card. Same for Catacomb Entrace (grey/dark grey) and Portcullis (purple). For Blue and Green arrows, will need to check the pages until you can remember the rooms by heart (like Chasm-Blue, card, Bottomless Pit/Bridge move again or not).

Thanks Dam for the answer.

Thanks for the answers.I was wondering why the rulebook doesn't tell me these.

Rules say:

"The color of an entry arrow also helps
identify the specific type of Dungeon chamber." (p. 10)

Combined with Chamber Descriptions on pages 30-31, never had trouble telling chambers apart myself.