Merry and Pippin Switchero? :(

By gatharion, in The Lord of the Rings: The Board Game

I got a copy of the Silverline Lord of the Rings game for Christmas, yay!

I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet, but looking through the pieces I was dismayed to see that Merry and Pippin were misidentified on the character cards and rulebook.

The artwork on the tokens clearly shows Pippin (wearing the silver tree and seven stars of Gondor) and Merry (wearing a Rohan horse), but the cards and rulebook list them them the other way around.

I know it won't impact how the game plays, but that sort of thing really rather bugs me. For a game with a strong thematic focus, these sorts of things (especially for the player pieces) are important to me.

I don't suppose there is any word about replacement cards or anything?

Seriously? Nothing?

This bugged my whole gaming group so much that we ended up taking a sharpie to the cards.

Have you emailed FFG about this?

Yes, it bugs me too. I noticed this right when I opened the box months ago and compared it to my original.

They used the same artwork as the original Hasbro game but you can see more of the picture in the new version. While the "Pippin" card looks the same, on "Merry" you couldn't quite tell that he was wearing the colors of Gondor which is clearly visible on the new cards.

I'm sure there is nothing FFG can do about this but it wouldn't hurt to ask.
