Coin victory seems fastest

By Omnisiah, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

So, anyone else finding coin victory to be one of the best contenders?

Properly optimised, we're seeing this win within 11-12 turns quite easily and largely regardless of race.

Part of the tech involves upgrading military and part of the 'coin quests' involve winning combats, so it's not exactly a weak combatant either.

Seems that Tech builds have little chance once you start facing opponents that are optimising builds... you pretty much need to be stealing tech to have any chance, since you can't get past the 1-tech-per-turn limit. Culture gives the coins a run, but seems to get just cut short.



We've only had 3 chances to play so far and it has been 2 military victories and one tech victory. I came closest to a coin victory in game 2 (with 11 coins).

Overall the feeling so far is that the game is pretty balanced. Each path to victory can be hindered with proper planning.

That is great to hear. I was worried that everyone would figure things out and all go for the same victory.

I have found the coin victory to be fairly easy.

If your opponents know what they're doing then the game is balanced and a coin victory can be thwarted just as much as any other path to victory. The success of this game lies in the trading and dealing between players. It seems to me that keeping two, or even three paths to victory open to you keeps your oppponents on their toes as the game strategy seems to be a balance between achieveing your own victory conditions and being vigilant enough at all times by watching other players' strategies.

A great Civ game - likely to be one of the best!

We've actually seen the coin victory as the least frequent around here. Many players would swoop in with their armies at the last minute to prevent some other type of victory. Research and military have occurred the most for us with a culture victory or two snuck in.

We played 3 games so far. All 4- player.

First one had military victory by Rome, and cultural victory by China was 1 turn late.

Second one had economic victory by US, and millitary victory by Germany was 1 turn late.

Third one had cultural victory by China, and tech victory by both US and Russia was 1 turn late.

All games took around the same time, and so far game looks pretty well balanced to us.