Based on peculiar prejudices, I have no interest in playing Greyjoy, and almost as little interest in Lannister. Based on a separate set of similarly peculiar prejudices, I love playing the Kingsguard. If I've gauged the community correctly on the relative popularity of the Kingsguard vs. GJ and Lanni, this should work out nicely for everyone!
Ser Arthur Dayne x2
Ser Mandon Moore
Ser Osmund Kettleblack
Ser Meryn Trant
The Red Keep
Distinct Mastery x2
Seafarer's Bow x2
Balerion the Black
Hatchling's Feast
To a lesser extent, I'd be interested in Longclaw, Ser Preston Greenfield, Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, and any Martell cards from the Defenders of the North cycle.
Every Greyjoy card from The Kings of the Sea expansion, every chapter pack of the first 3 cycles, Rituals of R'Hllor, Of Snakes and Sand, and A Song of Silence. I could also trade almost any Lannister card from those same chapter packs, and I'd be willing to part with most Lannister cards in the Core Set.
Anyone who is interested is welcome to contact me by email to hash out the details.