Duplicate Cards

By kirley_x, in Dust Tactics

Long story short - I got a 2nd print of the RECON unit for the Axis instead of a LASER referance card.

I've already e-mailed FF about it, until the new card arrives, does anyone know where I can find the rules and stat line for the axis LASER team?


This is my second set of "Dust Tactics" and I have ran into the same problem as you, sir. I did not get a card for the Lazer Gernadiers but two for the Recon Gernadiers. My first set of "Dust Tactics" was spot on with no missing parts, cards, or misprints. But set two, I will have to contact Fantasy Flight and wait for the right card to arrive (good thing I have the right card with my first set but this really needs to be looked at as the same card seems to be missing and the same card issued twice).

With this being said, I am enjoying the game and do look forward to the new troops/tanks that are heading our way. I do however feel for those who buy this game only to get two of the same card and missing one card because of mistakes made at the factory level. Bottom line here, it is hard to relate until it happens to you and for those that this happens to, I hope you will play with what you have until your missing card arrives as I am sure Fantasy Flight will make good on this error.

Game on;
