Somes news about Wargaming rules ?

By tane2, in Dust Tactics


i've just bought the box of the Dust tactics and i really love the miniatures (!!!) and the world ; I'm used with wargaming table without tiles and i've seen after gen Con you'll provide some Advanced rules for wargamer to play the miniature like some other wargame on a table (Wh40k, AT-43...)

So i wanted to know if the rules are written and when they'll be available on the site ?

Thanks and Merry Christmas for everybody !!!

my advise is get a bed sheet or thin boards and make a bigger scale table or buy another box like i did. congrats on ur purchase.

Thanks for the advise :)

Anyways i'm gonna wait the answer of FFG because i think i'm not the only one who want to use the miniatures with wargaming dedicated rules and the other advantage for FFG will be the growing numbers of miniature sold if there are at least 2 armies to build and to buy !

I hope FFG could answer and may be give us the rules for Christmas : it would be a nice gift ^^


Merry Christmas !

Come back in another year. I doubt very much there will be any tabletop rules until the rest of the expansions are released. They simply cannot release the tabletop version for the air units or the aliens without the official rules for Dust Tactics first. So, go away and have fun with other games. Check back next X'mas. OK.

What's the big deal here? You can easily go "off board" and use the same core rules just have all your movement and ranges in increments of 6" (the size of one grid in the game). Then play away.

In my opinion, we should wait one moderator from Fantasy flight games or any writer of the game answer directly :)

But if someone has written some speicific rules, why not create a post for them ?

I hope i'll be listened :)

Well I wish your attempt at getting a designer or FFG mod to answer your query much luck, but doubt greatly it will happen. There is a thread that was posted that talked about some of the rule adjustments some of us have done to simulate "tabletop" rules. That thread was given to you a couple posts up.

I so want to buy this game!

Weird War II is one of my favorite genres... BUT...

I really want tabletop miniatures rules too.

Might have to wait until they get released, if they ever do!

But, my willpower is dropping daily!

Just give in Alph. You know you want to :P

Everybody's doing it!

You do want to be in the "in" crowd don't you?


In the Dust Tactics video on YouTube the they confirm that the game will have a table top version available. As to when this will be, there is no concrete date that I know of.

Here is the link to the video

babalbin said:

In the Dust Tactics video on YouTube the they confirm that the game will have a table top version available. As to when this will be, there is no concrete date that I know of.

Here is the link to the video

***Holds breath!!!! ***

The statements about "table top" gaming with DT is between 5:18 and 5:38.



Gobbo said:

***Holds breath!!!! ***

If they don't have TT rules by my birthday in June, I'll work some up! :D

Thanks for the link - fingers crossed on those table top rules...

And really, the miniatures are too good... I'M IN! gui%C3%B1o.gif

I would imagine TT rules should come sometime after the first expanion, at which seems the only expansion other than the aircraft one that will add new or expanded rules. At least this is my hope.