Command Squads - New Walkers - Campaign - Hero pack with tiles

By Dcal12, in Dust Tactics

I think it all looks great. So much for the game is dead crowd (your credibility sucks). I like the idea of tiles representing landing craft. Walkers that can be set up the way you like. Command Squads. Looking forward to the Hero packs.

And they are providing an article on painting techniques. I think your doing a great job FFG.

Just wish some of it was under my tree for Christmas.

I definetly like flexiblity in the mech packs. This brings the expantion count to 10 boxes. I hope we get to see them soon.


The tiles for the landing craft are OK, but I'm more of a tabletop guy. If the bases for the walkers fit, I'll get a Hobby Boss 1/48 LCM-3 Landing Craft so they can ride in style!

rwwingate said:

The tiles for the landing craft are OK, but I'm more of a tabletop guy. If the bases for the walkers fit, I'll get a Hobby Boss 1/48 LCM-3 Landing Craft so they can ride in style!

Nice!!! I like the way that looks, I just hope we see the sectional walls like the ones in the rules! I really want those!

rwwingate said:

If the bases for the walkers fit, I'll get a Hobby Boss 1/48 LCM-3 Landing Craft so they can ride in style!

Well, even if they don't fit, a bit of conversion magic would make these ideal for the game.

I hope the campaign packs will move past the "kill them all" and "stay alive for 8 turns" objectives to introduce more variation.

Other than that I'm really looking forward to all these sets landing on shop shelves so I can expand my Allied force.

You could also just take some card board or foam core and add walls to the landing craft tiles. Paint and decorate. It would be cheaper that $50+ for the above metioned model. I am looking forward to the expansion.

Just wondering if anyone has purchased one of these yet and do the walkers fit?

The expansions are not out yet the only part of the expansions that are out is the 2 squads for each force. But for the landing crafts Ive been trying to measure based off of the pictures and make my own

I am sorry, I meant the models that were mentioned earlier.