Clue tokens and rerolls

By Negalith, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Lets say Investigator A is called to make a skill check. He has a skill of 4 and thus rolls 4 dice. He fails. He then blows 3 clue tokens, one after another trying to get a few successed and still failes. He then realizes that he has a skill card that lets him reroll that very skill check. He decided to do so. Does he get his 4 origional dice to reroll or the 7 (4 from skill and 3 from clue tokens)? Is it any diffrent if the Mandy power is used for teh reroll?

Negalith said:

Lets say Investigator A is called to make a skill check. He has a skill of 4 and thus rolls 4 dice. He fails. He then blows 3 clue tokens, one after another trying to get a few successed and still failes. He then realizes that he has a skill card that lets him reroll that very skill check. He decided to do so. Does he get his 4 origional dice to reroll or the 7 (4 from skill and 3 from clue tokens)? Is it any diffrent if the Mandy power is used for teh reroll?

You'd roll 7 dice. Only difference between Mandy and say Marksman is that Mandy let's you keep any successes rolled and re-roll the failed dice, while Marksman is a mulligan, reset successes to 0 and roll all the dice again.

You got here first, but yeah, its stated in the FAQ I belive.