Sinterklaas (Santa-Cthulhu)

By kewlfrogz2, in Fan Creations

Couldn't find a Christmas themed anything for AH, so I built it myself this morning.

I hope that the owner of the pic doesn't mind, sorry I didn't have time to ask for permission, I will ask for forgiveness.

Need to add the Masks to the cup.

I will build Mask wraps later to represent the Elves.

leaf?id=0B_fjHAejOI0_MmU3ODljNDgtZjRkYy0 Sinterklaas

Hope you like it, don't care if you don't. Merry Chrismahannakwanzikaa

Heh, very nice! I like the use of "gifts" throughout.

Had a lot of fun with this tonight, thanks! We made a couple of changes, I hope you're not offended:

1. We didn't put out clues/items when cultists/masks entered play, only when they were destroyed. Much easier as far as keeping the board tidy. We also played with Masks from every expansion.


2. Grinches: Moon Monsters do not move normally. Instead, if a Moon icon appears on the Mythos Card, give all Clue tokens at the Moon monster's location to Sinterklaas. If an investigator in the same location as a Moon monster, they must pass a Sneak +0 check or discard all of their Clues. Then, all Moon monsters move two spaces toward the nearest Clue token in a location NOT occupied by a Moon monster. They ignore Investigators during this movement, but stop one they're on a Clue. Begin with Moon monsters closest to Clue tokens. If all spaces with Clues are occupied by Moon monsters, or no such spaces are on the board, Moon monsters move normally.

Final Battle:

3. Milk & Cookies: You may discard one Food or Whiskey during Final Battle instead of attacking to remove one Doom token.

Not-So-Secret Santa: Every turn during at the start of upkeep, draw one Common item and give it to Sinterklaas. Then, one investigator may return one of her items to the box to return one of Sinterklaas' items to the box. If this is done, the investigator may also trade an item for one of Sinterklaaas's items of equal or lesser value. Investigators may not trade with each other unless someone trades with Sinterklaas.

Great times were had by all. Merry Christmas, everybody!