Star Wars?

By player33475, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

Mongoose Publishing recently posted:

In other A Call to Arms news, I can now report that we did not manage to grab the licence we were chasing for the game - Star Wars. We weren't really expecting this one to happen (we made a sideways reference to it in the State of the Mongoose), but we got much further along than we thought we would.

The interesting thing is why our negotiations ended - another company beat us to it. We are not going to reveal who this is (you have heard of them), as that is their fanfare to blow. However, I am sure many will find it intriguing that the licence covers card games, RPGs, and... miniatures. Now, the company concerned is not known for its miniatures lines, which will probably put paid to my dream of 28mm multipart/multipose Stormtroopers.

FFG has to be the forerunner for bets on the company that got this.

Star Wars RPG, card game and miniatures?

That'd be cool. Hopefully they develop a standalone game like they did with Marvel Heroes, as that is my preferred type of game. Either way, if it really is FFG, it'd be interesting to see what all they do with the license.

Based on how FFG has handled the GW games, I would love to see their treatment of Star Wars as an RPG. I could already see how much more in depth FFG would go versus previous editions.

I'd also love to see an FFG treatment for star wars miniature. The WotC miniatures were nice, but FFG would knock it out of the park.

I hope the rumors are true!

I really think it is indeed Fantasy Flight. A lot of the suspected companies have already come out and said it is not them. FFG has remained conspicuously silent.

If they have it we won't get confirmation until the first product is already in production if we are lucky. If we aren't we will get confirmation when the first product is at the printer.

According to some poster at the BGG with "reliable sources", he said, it is not FFG.

I kind of wish however it would be them still... :)

They didn't happen to mention who it was, did they? happy.gif

I'm hoping it is FFG. If anyone can make it work as an RPG, LCG and/or miniatures it's FFG.

Axolos said:

According to some poster at the BGG with "reliable sources", he said, it is not FFG.

I kind of wish however it would be them still... :)

BGG is Board Game Geek, correct?

I just checked their forums, and while I did see a thread on the SW license in the General Gaming forum I couldn't find this comment.

You have to go to the RPG side of BGG (rpggeek) to find that discussion:

Personally, I wouldn't trust what someone on the internet says "they have a reliable source" for, without any kind of proof. Would be really nice to see FFG get that license in my opinion. I would probably not buy into a possible RPG (I really enjoy the Saga rules), but the minis/boardgames/cardgames potential is really nice.

That would be awesome....I can only imagine FFG getting to do SW stuff.

I would buy almost anything they make in the SW universe, as soon as possible. I would love to see another LCG, a big and small box board game, a miniatures line, almost anything they can think of.

I don't really want to see another RPG, as Saga Edition is still fresh in my mind and very solid.

I can see it now STAR WARS a battlelore game. Just modify the Westros rules and i would by it up. Or even a LCG. Just please focus on original trilogy or clone wars cartoon. If i see Jar Jar i will cry

If I see the cartoon I may cry. Honestly, I can't stand what they have done with canon and awful stories. The only good thing is Cad Bane. But no hate, just dissapointment.

Yah, what formats do you thing a SW game would do well in? I'm not sure I could see an LCG...unless it was a very hero-focused, heroic and adventerous-feeling game.

I could see a battlelore-style game, but that'd be kinda weak. They could do better. A space combat game, of course. Imagine, Wings of War: Star Wars edition (just kidding). I can see it now....S-Foils of War.

I don't know. Whatever they do, I think they just need to be creative.

For me, the big thing is that FFG hasn't denied any of the speculation about them being the new SW game maker. That gives me hope that a lack of a negative, is an affirmative and by Yule next year, we'll see some new products.


The only concern for me personally, would be another cumbersome FFG game with a gazoodle number of pieces and cards and hours of time required to play, ala Twilight Imperium or Starcraft. One can only have so many storage bins filling the closets you know. Though, I would imagine if FFG really is the company, they'll make severals game that cover field, kinda like they did with the GW products.

You know, I was just starting to wonder what happened to the Star Wars PnP RPG and then I see the announcement that WotC dropped the license in Jan. of 2010. Man, where have I been? Anyway, I then see the post from Mongoose about how they almost closed the deal but ended up loosing out to another established game company. Of course the first one that came to mind was FFG. And the fact that their official sentiment regarding this is "No Comment" seems very suspicious to me. Now, my "dream case scenario" would be FFG and GW splitting the license with FFG developing the RPG, board games and LCGs, while GW created a Star Wars miniature game like they did with their LotR license. But at the very least, I would love to see an FFG produced Star Wars RPG. Even though I don't play it, their work with the 40k RPG lines have been top notch and I would love to see the same treatment with the Star Wars RPG. It's still too good of a property to let it die. Anyway, I have a feeling we won't hear any sort of announcement from whoever the actual license holder is until at least Gen Con this summer (which would be ironic given the history between Lucasfilm and the folks who run Gen Con).

Trying to be positive here.

What I'm worried about with both is that GW and/or FFG will slap a Star Wars setting onto previous games and profit from our fanboyism.

I want to see completely unique and new games to represent the feel of Star Wars. Star Wars isn't Lord of the Rings, and is definitely not 40k. Star Wars is an entirely different animal, and they should treat it that way.

That's all I'll say. I'm sure, knowing FFG, whatever they do will be really cool. Knowing GW, anything they do will be overpriced.

I have no doubt that if FFG picked up the Star Wars license, they wouldn’t repackage an old system in shiny new Star Wars packaging. I’m sure they would use their resources to bring about an RPG worthy of the Star Wars title.

GW on the other hand, I’m not so sure about. That being said, I’d love to see their take on a Star Wars miniature game. Will it be over priced? Yes. Will the Rules be broken? Probably. Will I still buy into it? Most likely.

I would especially buy into it if FFG did the RPG. Then I could have a gorgeous miniatures (you have to admit that GW makes some nice, though over-priced, stuff) to play in an awesome RPG. I’m not that big into 40k, but I bought a decent amount of GW miniatures to use for Deathwatch. I’d do the same for Star Wars.

Unless, of course, all they did was produce Han SoloDarth Vader figures. Don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge fan of Star Wars, but I love playing regular Joes in their universe. That’s where WotC lost me. I own some of their miniatures for roleplaying, but they could stand to have a little more variety instead of seven million resculpts of the same character.

You know, I actually own some of the WotC Star Wars books, and I'm having a hard time figuring out how much the rules would change with the other company that's supposed to do it. If it's FFG, I'd be willing to give it a spin, hopefully. Now if only my fan-based addon would be able to work with the new system altogether.

For those of you wondering, I'm trying to create a Gundam-style addon to Star Wars, with the intent of helping people that want to play Gundam-style games in the Star Wars universe. That was one of the big things for me, to create a working RPG system for Gundam (I believe that others have done so before, but I don't recall if they even worked, or with all the franchises).

Well? What do you guys think?

So FFG did have the license; I bet they spent a great deal of time chuckling at our expense and saying, "hm, they seem to like they idea of us doing SW boardgames."

So, I have to say the idea of FFG doing boardgames of the major conflicts and such would be awesome, or seeing SW frame ups of games like Runequest, Arkham Horror, Twilight Imperium, WoW Adventure game, ect.

I really hope that the RPG neither suffers from the mechanical complexity of the WH40K games or the fiddly bits of the Warhammer FRPG 3rd ed. boxed set. I would like to see something like a cross between Star Wars Saga Edition and the West End Games D6 game.

I wonder if they will use the WH 40k system in big full color hardback books OR go the WFRP 3e route with big gorgeous boxed sets OR make up a new system entirely? I really wish they would have given some details on the game in this announcement. Hopefully we will get more info soon from GenCon.

Grats to FFG, I'm glad to see the Star Wars RPG will live on. (I still have all the Saga edition books, but my D6 are long gone sadly).

I'm going to have to go with Malckuss on this one...if they can keep the flavour of the game akin to the D6 (West End) and D20 (Saga) editions and focus on the rolplay like it's been done, and not silly cards and gimmicks (Aka: Warhammer 3rd ed, which bombed in my area, because 2nd ed is still the same as Warhammer 40K roleplay, and no one wanted to play a card game when we could just roll our percentiles and didn't have to change out daft is that!) Also mind you, I'm one of the people who prefer Pathfinder over D&D4E (Not looking to play a dumb-down card game obviously, if that wasn't clear.)

If they are going to invent some new system, just please, please please...all we need are gorgeous books and heaps of the great character options and galaxy information you've been giving us with WH40K Roleplay games. Don't go the path of WoTC who seem to thnk everything is 'cards cards cards and competition'. I roleplay these games to co-op with a group.

Now, if they do the silly card-game RPG, well I do hope someone can work on a conversion to older editions of Star Wars, using any new material. I know FFG does good work in that department and I'd hate to not use any of it for sure.

Man, I love it when I'm right. :)

Currently, I think FFG is the only company that can do this IP justice.

I want that RPG and I want a sweet minis line. I wouldn't mind pre-paints, but I would LOVE plastic/metal minis... or vehicles (I know that last one is a stretch, but you can't blame a guy for wishing...)

I look forward to where this goes! I just wish I didn't have to wait so long! :D

I'm so glad that WotC lost the licence, ive been dis satisfied with Star Wars d20 for years, even to the point to going back to West End's d6 Star Wars. Im glad that a company like FFG received the licence instead, WotC just wants to milk their IPs for cash, FFG really seems to care about the work they do, and who plays their games. I wish them luck, and look forward to the release.