The group of people ive been gaming with are all new. Ive mainly been teaching them "light" games like castle ravenloft and last night on earth. Would city of thieves be good for gamers who enjoy those games? Thanks
Is this game worth buying if.......
I haven't personally played either of those games, but I've read about them. I own Cadwallon, and it's definitely not hard to grasp. I'd say it'd be a good game to play with beginners, and once you get used to it, it's got plenty of house-rule potential to make it more complex.
I would say City of Thieves will work well for them its very easy to learn and play.
If they can handle LNoE Cadwallon should be a breeze.
Cadwallon is a great game, very simple.... however a few rules are complicted and the characters could be a little more unique in my opinion but its definately worth the bread for it!
This game is DEFINITELY worth buying. It combines mechanics from great classics and is simple enough, as said above, to teach to new players, but above all that, it is highly interactive, with every player involved in every turn. It's even fun as a 2-player. My favorite game in two years.
Pulsar said:
This game is DEFINITELY worth buying. It combines mechanics from great classics and is simple enough, as said above, to teach to new players, but above all that, it is highly interactive, with every player involved in every turn. It's even fun as a 2-player. My favorite game in two years.
And how about the replayablility? I'm worries simple rules means standard play patterns and a dust collecting game box.
just bought it and played 2 games yesterday.... and right now i have to say i could play it all day long, again and again and again... *g*
there are 8 scenarios in the game u can play and i'm sure it won't take long 'til the first couple of fan scenarios r coming up...
i even read that tha game designer is working on a expansion and so on.... so i think there's a lot of potential in replayability...
Game came in last night played a four player game with a few friends that stopped by and was simple, fun, and chaotic. After people started heading out one of the guys decided to stick around, some time around 9 or 10 am, 7-8 hours later we had finished all 8 scenarios, final thought? Love it.
sounds like a great game , i'm tempted .
Quite honestly the game has yet to make our dime list, but it still one of our favorites. The scenarios help replayability, but it is a simple game, so I hope the expansion not only adds at least eight more well balanced and well thought out scenarios, but characters with differentiated stats (or optional cards for the great characters already in the game, so one can play them with differentiated stats.)
The main reason I commented again though is to warn you about the free mini-expansions. They are terrible. Even if you have the patience to mount your own cards and deal with the border issues, the first mini-expansion has a nauseating demon worship theme, and the second introduces a gambling mechanic that I can only describe as retarded, and I hope the game's designer didn't have much to do with. I do hope they delete these atrocities and replace them with a real expansion, with a real underworld.
The biggest Cadwe fan there is,
Pulsar said:
So you thought the 'demon worship theme' was nauseating. That's worth the warning.
So you think the second expansion can only be described as retarded. This apparently also merited warning the public about.
Excellent analysis and I thank you for sharing such cogent reasons for what could only be loosely referred to as 'criticism' of something that is given to the public free of charge.
The cliche phrase "Looking the gift horse in the mouth" seems to apply in this instance.
I've just started looking at this game recently. It definitely looks interesting and fun, and I think it would be a great one for one of my gaming groups. It is good to see a game that has characters that don't fit under the typical definition for the "heroes" in a game. Plus, we love any game that lets us really screw each other over. Hearing that the learning curve isn't overly steep will help.
Hmmmm... I absolutely love the visuals of this game and would love to paint the miniatures. Still many reviewers say that the game is TOO simplistic and is better suited to beginners and casual gamers than to hobbyists. I love Claustrophobia and the only minus is that it is only for two players (tried the three player scenario and it didn't really flow well). Claustro has simple rules, but every little decision needs to be well though of. Great game. Last Night on Earth is also a great game, but it's one vs many instead of every man for himself. Both of those games I class as "simple but deep". The other games we love are: Battlestar Galactica, A Game of Thrones, War of the Ring and Mansions of Madness.
Given those "favourites" do you think that C:CoT will scratch the "simple rules - deep tactics - loads of playability - fourplayer mayhem" - itch or is it just too simple?
i just picked this one up and i LOVE it. the wife and i played it for a few hours and had a great time. im sure there will be expansions and the rules are simple but deep