Score a Room and 5 score cards

By Ronnyknox, in Cave Troll

I have a quick question on the score a room/5 scoring cards rules. When I play a Score a Room card, and it is the fifth card in the score the board discard pile, the room I Score a Room'd is counted twice, correct?

Let's say I have my thief and a dwarf in a five point room. There are no other figures in the room (lucky me!). I play a Score a Room card, and gain 10 points for scoring that room. Then, the whole board is scored, and I get to include that room (10 more points) again? I was told by another player that he felt that that was overpowered.

It seems like it follows the rules to me, but I want to be sure. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out :)

The way you are playing it sounds right to me. You play the card first and ther instructions on the card, then after resolving it you score the whole board. The only thing that sounds overpowered is that he didn't benefit from it.

I agree, you played the card that allowed you to score the room of your choice. It's scored, and then you must score the whole board because of the fifth icon. It's two separate scorings.

just the luck of the draw, that it was the 5th sand timer card.

Yeah, it's not your fault you're awesome and got a great pull.