Hello all.
Well we played our second game, and for the sake of speed, our GM instagated a 'house rule now, ask questions later' rule which we all agreed to (and made a lot of sense AND made things run a lot more smoothly). So I volunteered to note down our rules clarifications for later and here they are:
1) What are the penalties for Concealment and Silent Move for being heavily armoured? I found the size penalties on page 134 (referred to from the power armour section on page 160, but couldn't see the heavy armour penalties for some reason)
2) When an enemy moves away without using the disengage action, do you have to use your reaction to attack him, or do you just get a free attack against him? is there a limit to the number of times per round you can do this?
3) Simple one this one (I think) - there is no way to avoid (dodge or parry) horde attacks (ranged or melee) is there?
4) Speaking of Dodge - Do All Astartes get Dodge as a trained basic or advanced skill to start with? the wording on page 36 seemed a little ambiguous to us, but using 1/2 agility untrained seemed pretty useless to most of us too...so not really sure about this one.
I think that's it for now. We are all really enjoying this game. some of us are long time warhammer fans and some (like me) are new to the setting and are eating it up. Its awesome!
Thanks for all your help everyone