Hi all!
Just finished the first two games of CoC:LCG, and **** it was great! Both games were very close and the advantage kept swinging from side to side. I think that's the best thing about this game, the balance shifts quickly from side to side constantly and everything happens very fast, so the games stay exciting.
First game: Agency (Aggro/Control) vs Cthulhu (Deep One tribal Aggro/Control)
Victory for the Agency, but it came very close. We both had pretty much equal board position in the beginning, but i managed to play Hydra and seemed like a certain winner. In the end a lucky Short Fuse eliminated Hydra and carelesness cost me the game, but just barely. **** those Investigation icons....
Second game: Shub-Niggurath (Swarm/Combo) vs Academy (Control/Rush)
Close victory for the Academy. Albert Wilmarth was the main reason for my victory, accompanied with many Bindings and Inside Informations. He was able to stall the enemy swarm long enough to ****** two stories with investigation, and finally Mad Scientist won me the game. And i tought that card was pretty much junk.....
Couple of questions:
1) I have 3xCore Set and 2xSoA. What do you think about the factions with that card pool? Are they equal in power? I have made a monocolour deck for each faction and the ones i have tested so far seem equal enough. I'm not looking for a competitive decks, but equal decks that are fun to play casually while waiting for my gaming group to arrive for RPG or board game sessions.
2) Is the any way to get a hold of At The Mountains Of Madness or Ancient Horrors asylum packs, or should i just move on to one of the asylum pack series?
Thank you!