Louisville, KY LCG Format Players?

By Ariston, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

I'm here in Louisville and was wondering if there were any players who play the LCG format here in town or nearby. None of the game stores I go to around here seem to carry the game, so my wife and I have had a hard time finding competiton and people to flesh out melee games when we don't have out-of-town friends coming to visit.

Ariston said:

I'm here in Louisville and was wondering if there were any players who play the LCG format here in town or nearby. None of the game stores I go to around here seem to carry the game, so my wife and I have had a hard time finding competiton and people to flesh out melee games when we don't have out-of-town friends coming to visit.

Still on the lookout...

Well it isn't exactly Louisville, but we're returning up to form here in northern KY. We're about 20 minutes from Cincy, and would welcome any new players if you could make the drive.

Yeah what he said. The more we have the better. Our crew is fun loving and we enjoy new people :-)

We could also make a trip from time to time but our meta is fairly large and it is hard to get everyone together...

it is good to see some other ky players about...we were the only ones for the longest time it seemed...and we looked.

and we played for several years and i kinda retired from the game...alot of our group is just now coming back together so some of us have standard but most of us have LCG format only decks.

hopefully we can work something out.

King of the Saltwives said:

Well it isn't exactly Louisville, but we're returning up to form here in northern KY. We're about 20 minutes from Cincy, and would welcome any new players if you could make the drive.

Oh, I'm actually from NKY and may be moving back to the area, so that sounds great. Where do you all play?

Within the next week or so we"ll be playing at Comic Book World on Turfway. They're moving things from one building to another so its been hectic for them. We still havent decided on an exact day yet, but i'll let you know for sure keep checking in our meta threads, or you can email me your phone number, and ill text you... my email is [email protected]

Good to hear from you. I was worried since i saw the date of this post that you didnt check it.

King of the Saltwives said:

Within the next week or so we"ll be playing at Comic Book World on Turfway. They're moving things from one building to another so its been hectic for them. We still havent decided on an exact day yet, but i'll let you know for sure keep checking in our meta threads, or you can email me your phone number, and ill text you... my email is [email protected]

Good to hear from you. I was worried since i saw the date of this post that you didnt check it.

Ok, I used to play L5R there back in high school.

I got the friends request in my inbox, and then went to see if it was because you had responded to this post. I was in the habit of checking it once in a blue moon, anyhow.

My wife and I sort of stopped buying the LCG packs, but if we do end up moving to Cincy/NKY we'll almost definitely start up again. We really like the game, but couldn't get any of our gamer friends here do to much more than play 4-player matches off of the preconstructed decks.

Yeah the game is amazing, and the LCG format makes it so much more affordable IMO.

It's been a while since you posted this but there is a new group in Louisville that playes the LCGs. Right now they're focused on Warhammer but they're very interested in Game of Thrones as well. They also play lots of other games. You can find them on meetup.com here: