I offer:
a lot of cards from the CCG era (including the rare Kingdom locations)
*** Neutral ***
Jon Arryn
*** Martell ***
To be a viper
Queen Myrcella's Guard
The viper's revenge
Compelled by the sun
Open Market
Obara Sand (F31)
The Red Viper (F75)
Serve. Obey. Protect.
*** Baratheon ***
Salladhor Saan
Priestess of the Pyre
Selyse Baratheon (F8)
Moon Boy
Robert Baratheon (F46)
Margaery Tyrell (F67)
Ser Davos Seaworth (F105)
Blackwater Bay
The Iron Throne (F46)
Margaery Tyrell (F47)
Stannis Baratheon (King in the North)
*** Stark ***
Jory Cassel
*** Lannister ***
Grand Maester Pycelle (F63)
*** Greyjoy ***
Compelled by the Sea
You can also ask for cards from the core set