Macron Wild flare

By wishyfoo, in Cosmic Encounter

Wow, I'm blown away by the new Cosmic. It's great! It's got the old good stuff, some refinements, some chewy new tidbits; I can't wait for my first game. My hat is off to everyone who was involved in its production.

There's one little thing that's bugging me, though. The Macron Wild flare says (I hope you FFG folk don't mind me quoting the card text!):

<quote>As a main player or ally, after you reveal an attack card in an encounter, you may add 1 to your side's total for each ship you have in the encounter</quote>

That seems very strange to me, and I'm wondering if I may have a misprinted card. For one thing, you don't play attack cards as an ally. More importantly, adding one per ship to your side in the challenge is already what you do, according to the normal rules!

I seem to remember there being an Eon flare that didn't do anything useful; is this just a little joke, like that one?

Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Anyways, thanks for the great work, folks, and I hope the game does well enough that you can put out some expansion sets!

Yeah, it's a badly worded card. I think it should read like this: "As a main player or ally, if your side reveals an attack card, each of your ships may be worth 2." Or like this: "As a main player of ally, if your side reveals an attack card, you may add 1 to your side's total for every ship you have in the encounter in addition to what each ship would normally be worth." Or some variation thereof.