New GM here, looking for help choosing an adventure!

By Minion1981, in WFRP Gamemasters

Hello all,

I just started GM'ing for 4 people in my group, (this is my first time GM'ing any game). I know from experience that all of the players around my table will be wanting a combat heavy campaign and I'm not too sure which of the campaign's or missions? will do for combat, the eye for an eye mission seems to be heavy into social actions, which is great, but may not be the best fit for my new group of people. (don't know that for sure though) I was wondering about the Edge of Night and A Gathering Storm campaign's? I haven't read through them at all and I'm not sure what to expect from them, I also have limited time to prepare this game. My game is going to be on Thursday this week and I need to come up with some kind of mission or campaign starter for them, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance, Tim

Minion said:

Hello all,

I just started GM'ing for 4 people in my group, (this is my first time GM'ing any game). I know from experience that all of the players around my table will be wanting a combat heavy campaign and I'm not too sure which of the campaign's or missions? will do for combat, the eye for an eye mission seems to be heavy into social actions, which is great, but may not be the best fit for my new group of people. (don't know that for sure though) I was wondering about the Edge of Night and A Gathering Storm campaign's? I haven't read through them at all and I'm not sure what to expect from them, I also have limited time to prepare this game. My game is going to be on Thursday this week and I need to come up with some kind of mission or campaign starter for them, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance, Tim

Well...since u are new to WFRP, to GMing (and maybe to RPG in general), i would suggest to try something very simple at first. In fact, u will have to manage


>Non Playing Characters

>Plot of the adventure

And at first i will suggest to start whit something very basic in the latter fields, so u will be able to focus more on the rules until u and ur player will not have quite a firm grip on them.

For this i would greatly advice u to start whit one of the "demo" scenarios that u can download on the WFRP support page on this website ( )!! Both are good, because have pre-gen characters that save u a lot of time and effort to actually explain them how to create PC,and will make u jump straight in the action.

If u want to generate them anyway, bear in mind that is a time-consuming process, so in that case i would suggest "a day late, a shilling short" because it is so short that maybe u will be able to actually play and finish it right after the generation process. Basically it is just a 2 part encounter to show the rules of the game.

If u instead want something more complete, go for "journey to blackfire pass". The trick here is that u will have to print out the pregen charachter, since the adventure is unplayable whitout them. still, the plot is more complex and funny, but all is very well writted so u will be able to run it whitout too much effort. Even the characthers are well explained and have a lot of interconnections and motivations between them, wich will help your players to put in theirs boots and actually roleplay them.

Both of them have great combat scene, so ur players will enjoy to get theirs hand dirty in bloods! :P

I propose (and this is the order of the adventures I played)

1. A day late and a shilling short

It's a demo. Nice to get the hang of it the combat and social actions

2. Eye for an eye.

Don't worry, there are a lot of fights. 2 beastmen fights and one fight with cultists.

(after this I played 'Rough Night at 3 feathers inn'. This is a 2nd edition adventure, but it was rather easy to convert to 3rd edition. Not sure if I should propose this to new GMs).

3. Gathering Storm.

Lots of (deadly) fights.

4. I started Edge of Night, but because of the slow start (getting to know with the nobles), I mxed it with Horror at Hugeldal (signs of faith adventure). Note that Edge of Night is heavy on social combat.

After this I plan to play the Winds of Magic adventure and then I will try my converting skills on The Enemy Within campaign.

I started with Eye for an Eye and then we went straight on to The Thousand Thrones campaign. When we're done with TTT, I'll put the new 3rd ed. stuff together to a little campaign.

By the time we're done with all that I hope to have finished converting The Enemy Within (and Restless Deas campaign supplement).

was it easy playing TTT as a 3rd edition system? How did you convert the enemies?

I converted all NPCs by creating NPC sheets in strange eons using the awesome plugin made by some fine members of this community (can't remember the wewbsite right now but should be easy to find). The plugin has a monster card (that I print in A4 format), where there is room for stats for four different NPCs and 6 action cards total. I have made action cards for all NPCs (or used some regular player action cards). For the vampires for instance I created my own vampiric grapple and vampiric bite actions that can be used as a combo and the bite allows the vampire to heal.

I didn't have an exact formula for converting in terms of stats. I took the 2nd ed. stats into account and then made a rough estimate as to the 3rd ed. stats. Keyword being balancing the encounters to represent roughly the same challenge as intended by the scenario (modified by me in some instances though).

I have also made some special gambling rules for one of the chapters, some rooftop chase rules for another etc. This one I convert as I go, because I don't have time to convert it all before play. For TEW however I will have time, because we will be playing the official 3rd ed. stuff first.

Here is an example of my NPC cards. I haven't made all NPC this way because I got the plugin too late and sometimes I have just converted them with a pencil in the campaign and added action cards. I will however convert the entire TEW to third edition complete with:

  • NPC cards including action cards
  • Progress trackers
  • notes for nemesis cards and NPC party sheets (from the creature expansion)
  • Special rules for special situations
  • much more. I convert everything I can to take advantage of the narative strenghts of 3rd edition rules.

NPC card for TTT: TTT NPC

That looks fabulous. I envy. I don't have enough free time to even read the fluff of Signs of Faith and Winds of Magic. I just read the rules and the adventures and that's it.

I can only wish that in a year or so, enough people will have followed your example and we might have a complete database of the 3rd edition equivalent of NPC for the major 1st/2nd edition campaings such as TEW and TTT

When I'm done with TEW I don't mind uploading my stuff. The NPCs will be presented as above and my chapter notes will contain details on any special rules or how things are adapted to 3rd ed. I won't be formatting it or editing it with release in mind. I'll just release it as is. I do usually make fairly comprehensive notes considering they're just for myself, so they should be useable. I don't make stats for common creatures found in the ToA (giant wolves, beastmen, orcs, goblins, random bandits etc.) - I just use the basic ones fro ToA.

I may get around to finish the rest of TTT (the first 3 chapters) and upload it if I have the time during the xmas holiday.

Gallows said:

I may get around to finish the rest of TTT (the first 3 chapters) and upload it if I have the time during the xmas holiday.

I'd be interested as well (i pm'ed you about it) gran_risa.gif

Gallows said:

When I'm done with TEW I don't mind uploading my stuff. The NPCs will be presented as above and my chapter notes will contain details on any special rules or how things are adapted to 3rd ed. I won't be formatting it or editing it with release in mind. I'll just release it as is.

You'll likely be crucified in here, if people knew you had 3rd edition converted, and didn't upload it... gui%C3%B1o.gif

Never played TTT, but looking forward to seeing TEW converted.

Spivo said:

Gallows said:

When I'm done with TEW I don't mind uploading my stuff. The NPCs will be presented as above and my chapter notes will contain details on any special rules or how things are adapted to 3rd ed. I won't be formatting it or editing it with release in mind. I'll just release it as is.

You'll likely be crucified in here, if people knew you had 3rd edition converted, and didn't upload it... gui%C3%B1o.gif

Never played TTT, but looking forward to seeing TEW converted.

Add me to the list of people waiting for your TEW release. In fact I am going to delay starting my TEW campaign until you upload your notes!

I guess you missunderstood, Gallows did not do his 3rd Ed of TEW yet. He is planning too once he's done with TTT he is running atm.

At least it's what i understood gui%C3%B1o.gif

Cwell2101 said:

I guess you missunderstood, Gallows did not do his 3rd Ed of TEW yet. He is planning too once he's done with TTT he is running atm.

At least it's what i understood gui%C3%B1o.gif

Correct :D

But I decided to finish TTT completely. It's not that much work for me to to the three chapters I skipped and as soon as I am completely done, I'll upload all the files.

I never thought to upload it really... I see so much great stuff on the web, so it didn't occur to me that someone could actually find my stuff usefull. It's noted and I promise to upload everything asap ;)

TTT is a decent campaign. There are a few individual scenarios that benefit from a personal GM touch to be great. But overall I like it. Not as good as TEW, but it's still enjoyable if you do a bit of work as a GM to tie everything together.

Great stuff, kepp up the good work!

I would be happy if you uploaded the stuff for TEW as you go along (I am also gonna wait for a good conversion before I run the campaign). Especially the use of nemesis cards and ideas for progress trackers looks interesting.

Chapter 1, 4 and 5 are done. I'll finish 2 and 3, and then upload the first five chapters. I'll upload chapter 6, 7, expansion, 8 and 9 as I finish them before play sessions.

I'll happily pay $5 or so for the TEW conversion (I'd be happy with just shadows/death on the reik).

I won't be charging anything. I'll make the conversion for my own sake and then just release my notes and NPCs. When I upload my TTT conversion you can download that and see if my notes and NPCs are useable for you.

I won't be writing it with release in mind, so people just have to take it as it is.

I suggest you download my TTT notes and NPCs when they're done (a few days more) and see if you think my TEW conversion is worth waiting for.

If someone has a good wfrp website with a 3rd ed. focus where I can upload it... I'd appreciate a link :)

pm/mail Gitzman to see if he can host it for you in his Gallery gran_risa.gif

plutonick said:

(after this I played 'Rough Night at 3 feathers inn'. This is a 2nd edition adventure, but it was rather easy to convert to 3rd edition. Not sure if I should propose this to new GMs).

After this I plan to play the Winds of Magic adventure and then I will try my converting skills on The Enemy Within campaign.

Actually 3 Feathers is First edition from a billion years ago, like TEW. The enemy within starts well as an introductory adventure - you would need to convert it & rescale it for your veteran party, neither of which would be hard & it is ace.

Careful there. The moment money gets involved you might bump into ugly cries of COPYRIGHT! I'm sure if there was a donation button at best GW and FFG might look aside, but profit based conversion of intellectual properties can get fugly.

But, looks like Gallows has the right idea. I too am looking forward to seeing what you have.

shinma said:

Careful there. The moment money gets involved you might bump into ugly cries of COPYRIGHT! I'm sure if there was a donation button at best GW and FFG might look aside, but profit based conversion of intellectual properties can get fugly.

But, looks like Gallows has the right idea. I too am looking forward to seeing what you have.

I'd never charge anything for it... it's just not the way I see an online community. I have pillaged so much great stuff made by various people and if I can just give a little back I'd be glad. happy.gif

I am currently engaged in a lot of work finishing a paper on socio-emotional issues and it's done monday, so after than I'll finish up chapter 1-5 and upload it :)

Pickles said:

plutonick said:

(after this I played 'Rough Night at 3 feathers inn'. This is a 2nd edition adventure, but it was rather easy to convert to 3rd edition. Not sure if I should propose this to new GMs).

After this I plan to play the Winds of Magic adventure and then I will try my converting skills on The Enemy Within campaign.

Actually 3 Feathers is First edition from a billion years ago, like TEW. .

You are right, but I used the Plundered Vaults version which is v2.