Heroscape from FFG?

By ValhallaWraith, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

Hello all, I am a new member to this site, and wanted to share my curiosities on whether or not, FFG would be the greatest idea for a company to choose as for the next bearer of the 6-year miniature series Heroscape. That has been a beloved game by me and my friends, and its discontinuation by the cold corporate Wizards of the Coast has been a blow to my and my friends gaming spirit. Here is my question, would FFG be willing, and or be able, to begin the re-production of Heroscape, if and only if some magnificent twist of fate was to land the license and right to the tabletop game to FFG's hands. Would you, the FFG veterans, be willing to support it?

Heroscape is a great game, but I think Wizards dropped it because not enough people where buying the new sets. I don't think I would buy a copy just because Fantasy Flight picked it up. I've always wanted to play, though, just never got to it.

I as well missed the boat on this game I saw it in the stores like toy r us and dismissed it as kid game but after watching Tom Vassel's Dice tower review on the game it looks awsome. I always enjoyed warhammer but the cost was just to much. I truly hope FFG picks this one up either way I am looking on ebay for a nice lot to play with.

Hopefully FFG would do more than just re-print it, though. Maybe create more scenarios or something like that for Heroscape?

YES FFG, Pick it up and make some killer terrain!!!

'Euagh' *shivers violently all over*.

The following rant might sound elitist or snobbish, but I might have a point or two.

As a miniature wargamer, and just as me, Heroscape offends me on multiple levels.

1. The theme. I would, in an instant, tons of money on a good game themed around Norse mythology. Heroscape, which, to me, promised as much, included out of place stuff such as giant robots. What were they thinking?

2. The Mechanics. There is a reason you will find this game on the shelves of Toys R Us. It is so laughingly simplistic that I can't possibly find any interest in it. What did you expect? Its made by the same people who produce classics and kidde games.

3. The terrain. Okay, actually this might be handy. But killer? Definitely not. It's drawings on tiles. Really!

4. The models. I am currently looking at a 'Kyrie', a sad excuse for a dragon, and some other assorted junk. Big, plastic, what's not to like? Oh wait, bad paint jobs, horrible detail, general lack of skill, extremely cheap appearence. The molds are completely one-dimensional! And look at that spear bend...

I have nothing against pre-painted models, and have played pre-painted games in the past (not AT-43). But...well...

For what you're paying, you shouldn't expect that much different. Or should you? Warmachine starter for $35...Heroscape starter for $36...

5. The clearly mass marketed and money oriented nature of the game. It is the kind of game that little kids who will never play it whine for when they see it on the shelves, not a game for people who enjoy playing games.

6. The fact that they mention strategy in the rulebook. As Games Workshop doesn't seem to know, this game has no strategy! It might, just might, have tactics.

7. Why have I not seen any Ratatoskr, Fenris or Nidhogg models? What is wrong with these people?

There's my rant. If it bothers you, ignore me. If you'd like to sensibly debate my fervently made points, please do. Fantasy Flight Games should stay away from inferior product like this.

Oh, and, is it collectible? If so, that alone adds another few points to my list.

Well, I'm sorry for my harsh criticism, though I meant it. I must sadly raise my blade and declare

Threadkill! I strike again!

YES,FFG pick this up!!!

I am aware and ashamed that I came across as a troll. I'm only one in real life, usually. Not an actual troll in real...you know what I mean.

The real problem is this:

Fantasy Flight = quality games.

Heroscape = not a quality game. Whether you enjoy it or not you can surely agree that it is not exactly a work of art.

See the problem here?

So what? FFG can do better if needed.

But i'm happy with the current heroscape quality.

Just pick it up FFG, you are the only one!

My one friend bought everything they made of Heroscape. I've played it, and it is fun. Very customizable between both terrain and teams. I used Marvel's Hulk and a healer and stomped people to mush.

TheShadow said:

'Euagh' *shivers violently all over*.

The following rant might sound elitist or snobbish, but I might have a point or two.

As a miniature wargamer, and just as me, Heroscape offends me on multiple levels.

1. The theme. I would, in an instant, tons of money on a good game themed around Norse mythology. Heroscape, which, to me, promised as much, included out of place stuff such as giant robots. What were they thinking?

2. The Mechanics. There is a reason you will find this game on the shelves of Toys R Us. It is so laughingly simplistic that I can't possibly find any interest in it. What did you expect? Its made by the same people who produce classics and kidde games.

3. The terrain. Okay, actually this might be handy. But killer? Definitely not. It's drawings on tiles. Really!

4. The models. I am currently looking at a 'Kyrie', a sad excuse for a dragon, and some other assorted junk. Big, plastic, what's not to like? Oh wait, bad paint jobs, horrible detail, general lack of skill, extremely cheap appearence. The molds are completely one-dimensional! And look at that spear bend...

I have nothing against pre-painted models, and have played pre-painted games in the past (not AT-43). But...well...

For what you're paying, you shouldn't expect that much different. Or should you? Warmachine starter for $35...Heroscape starter for $36...

5. The clearly mass marketed and money oriented nature of the game. It is the kind of game that little kids who will never play it whine for when they see it on the shelves, not a game for people who enjoy playing games.

6. The fact that they mention strategy in the rulebook. As Games Workshop doesn't seem to know, this game has no strategy! It might, just might, have tactics.

7. Why have I not seen any Ratatoskr, Fenris or Nidhogg models? What is wrong with these people?

I do not know how to fix this really crappy quote system...

1) The theme is everything from everything fights at the same time. Some multi planar war that pulls people from different places and times. Men in Black with Norse, with WWII airborne, wit future robots, dragons, giants, demons, everything.

2) Complex does not always mean better. Often complex creates laundry lists of rules clarifications, which only becomes a compounded problem with expansions. Just look at how many of FF games have been simplified in second editions. Heroscape does not suffer from those kinds of problems by standardizing everything from the get go

3) See above.

4) And what does a war machine starter give you? I doubt its customizable terrain you can build into any kind of map you can think up. I doubt the number of units is the same. I know what kind of money goes into a personal warhammer army. The price of heroscape which can be shared amongst all players does not even come close.

5) Except clearly the OP and his friends. And myself and the the kids in my house hold. And surely others since the game has gone on as long as it did.

6) Since you pick your army at the begining one unit at a time while your enemies do the same you do build a strategy. Everything from terrain to unit mix, to how you use them, and in the more complex version their special abilities all lend to building a strategy from the moment the first character is selected.

7) It's not based on Norse mythology.