New To Game - Core Playset?

By GenmaSeuss, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Hi. This probably happens alot. I just started playing and I noticed in the core set there are a lot of one ofs. Is there a way to get playsets of the cards from the Core Set without buying 2 Copies of the Original Core Set? Did they release playsets in future sets? I am a retailer so I am trying to get correct information for this, any help here owuld be appreciated.

- Jason

I, too Had this question as i am trying to get a league started at my LGS and like to play different games where we can help even the playing field by limiting the expansions so as everyone can play at a standard level and then have games where it is really anything goes. But I would like to know how to get sets of three for all the base game cards without buying 3 copies lots of people just cant afford that

any help would be appreciated