Playing a 1 player game

By matttheman, in Reference Materials

So im new to the game and was wondering what you guys and gals think of playing solo?

Lots of folks play solo, including me. It may well be the best solo boardgame there is. It's a cooperative game so PC's are a team (unless that "Join the Winning Team" card comes up from Dunwich expansion).

A key thing is that it doesn't mean you have to only play 1 character (as that's very tough), you can plan 2, 3, 4 (I think going over that it becomes too difficult to manage). I play solo with 4 lots of the time, use a cthulhu marker (same as from LCG or the "bag of cthulhu") to keep track of 1st player as you can lose track (actually use it when playing with friends too for same reason).


There is a thread where people discuss their solo gaming experiences with Arkham on the main page of these forums. Maybe you could be interested in reading even their experiences. In case, you find this thread here . Anyway, Valvorik's words are wise, it's not a problem playing with multiple investigator even if you're alone. It's always great fun ::smiling::

I'll have to give that one a try.


I played my first game solo, trying to keep track of multiple investagators can be a chalenge but i could not image trying to keeping control of the board with only one. the game is great even alone

I play solo quite often, Arkham Horror works quite well as a solo game, however, just as valvorik said, it's not recommended to play as only one character because it ups the difficulty to a rather unbearable level.

Playing a solo game can be fun, even using only 1 investigator, it just depends on how you want to win the game. If you want to win by closing or sealing gates, play with more than one investigator (4 is best; more than that can be confusing for a solo player). If you want to win by defeating the Ancient One, use a solo investigator. When battling the AO with a solo investigator, each success on the attack roll removes one doom token. A properly equipped investigator can defeat just about any AO one-on-one. With only one investigator, focus on equipping for the final battle right from the start, and stockpile those clue tokens. You can close some gates too, especially if the AO takes away gate trophies with its attack (such as Yog-Sothoth or Tsathoggua).

As a sidenote, this strategy works well with less than 4 players: it's likely the AO will awaken and gates will open up too frequently for a small group to close. With less than 4 players, prepare for the final battle as soon as possible.