Melee and Horde

By Ignace Zane, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

How many attacks does an horde in melee?I can't find it on the rulebook.

Many thanks

They get however many attacks as normal, if they have Swift Attack they would get 2 attacks, and so on.

It's when you calculate their magnitude and add up to +2D10 to the damage that they get mean.

Ignace Zane said:

How many attacks does an horde in melee?I can't find it on the rulebook.

Many thanks

One attack, unless they have a way to increase that (two weapon fighting, Swift Attack, Lightning Attack and/or Multiple Arms). However, they may use their full attacks against each individual opponent in combat with them (so a horde with Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) and Swift Attack being attacked by three Battle Brothers could attack each one three times)

if i have understood :

a magnitude 20 horde Vs 2 battle brother will do 2 melee attacks unless it is made by creature with multiple attacks and so on.

Is it right?

For Melee attacks, the size of the horde is irrelevant. Whether it is Mag 100 or Mag 1, it gets the same number of attacks. Damage is obviously dependent on size.

As N0-1 said, it's dependent on the Talents of the horde in question.

If the horde has no melee talents, it will do one attack to each opponent in combat with it. Using your example of a horde in combat with 2 marines, that would be 1 attack against each marine.

If the horde had Swift Attack or Multiple Arms, it would do 2 attacks to each opponent. And so on.

Radomo said:

For Melee attacks, the size of the horde is irrelevant. Whether it is Mag 100 or Mag 1, it gets the same number of attacks. Damage is obviously dependent on size.

As N0-1 said, it's dependent on the Talents of the horde in question.

If the horde has no melee talents, it will do one attack to each opponent in combat with it. Using your example of a horde in combat with 2 marines, that would be 1 attack against each marine.

If the horde had Swift Attack or Multiple Arms, it would do 2 attacks to each opponent. And so on.

Personally I wouldn't allow a Mag 1 horde full attack against all adjacent opponents, but that's just me :)

decPL said:

Personally I wouldn't allow a Mag 1 horde full attack against all adjacent opponents, but that's just me :)

Well that depends entirely on how many people are actually left in that horde at Mag 1.

Personally, I view it as a single, wounded and thoroughly demoralised individual, in which case, I stop applying the Horde rules to it. However, others have expressed that they view each Magnitude point as being worth many enemies, at which point Mag 1 may still be enough individual enemies to attack multiple targets.

thank you very much, i have understood how it works.

Many thanks, and the Emperor bless you.

Regarding Mag 1 hordes being one guy left I honestly and in most forums rules posts most people seem to agree a horde reduced to magnitude one is not related to the size of remaining opponents but instead the cohesive morale of a given group of enemies.

So a horde at magnitute one could still be a full functional group of 20+ members who have instead of being all killed are so demoralized and at the end of their rope regarding that given combat that they are the verge of retreat. A final melee attack to the battle brothers in melee might be a last desperate gambit to turn the tide, if such an attack proved successful they may stick around a bit longer but if it failed horribly they may break on the spot.

In my campaign's as DM I have broken a horde into fleeing individuals far earlier than this given the situation.

For example a Devastator marine hitting for the full 10 hits on a weapon and then rolling a five on unrelentinve devastation and it was only a magnitude 30 to begin with. I had that unit retreat immediately and reform up a few rounds later with reduced magnitude.