Deathwatch Oath of Vigil

By Dr. Schadenfreude, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

I'm new to Deathwatch and am going to be running a campaign for four of five players who have never played this game before - some of them haven't even encountered the setting. My plan is to open with the "Shadow of Madness" and as a means to introduce the Omega Vault, I'd like to have the team sworn in before it prior to receiving their first mission. The problem is that the rulebook gives no real indication as to what the "Oath of Vigil" entails and that I'm not really sure where to start.

If any of you have any suggestions as to what significant points I should cover and how I can get the team involved, they'd be greatly appreciated.

I would assume it is simliar to an "oath of moment" from the horus heresay books, the group will kneel before the watch captain and swear to serve the emperor and the ordos xeno and fight the threats to the emperor, wether that be xeno or human.

It wouldnt be a long ceremony but it is take infront of the Omega Vault, you can have the vault open at the end of the ceremony and they players are the ones who delve into the vault to gain the next time that is unlocked.

Dr. Schadenfreude said:

I'm new to Deathwatch and am going to be running a campaign for four of five players who have never played this game before - some of them haven't even encountered the setting. My plan is to open with the "Shadow of Madness" and as a means to introduce the Omega Vault, I'd like to have the team sworn in before it prior to receiving their first mission. The problem is that the rulebook gives no real indication as to what the "Oath of Vigil" entails and that I'm not really sure where to start.

If any of you have any suggestions as to what significant points I should cover and how I can get the team involved, they'd be greatly appreciated.

I too wish I had this when I started. Sadly, its not detailed anywhere.

However! Once people get their collectors edition copies, it has the actual Oath on the inside. I'm sure somebody will post the text for people once they have them.

I did a similar prelude adventure for each of my players. Since I didn't have the actual Oath (outside of a single line of flavor text from the rulebook). I left it a big vague. Here is the flavor text I used (Watch Captain Hektor was the NPC Watch Captain, a good portion of the text is straight from the core rulebook, I was using it as an introduction and saw no need to re-write it):

Hektor leads you from the room and on a twisting path downward. As you press on the lighting gets gradually darker, with merely a single electro-candle or glow-globe illuminating the passageways towards the end. The Omega Vault is a sealed series of ancient engines, catacombs, and chambers that sits at the heart of Watch Fortress Erioch. The vault itself is a broadly cylindrical portion of the Watch Fortress that spans many levels running through its core. There is only one entrance into the Omega Vault; a single door forty paces high. The door is sealed and armoured by layered void shields and adamantine plating as thick as a warship’s prow. Graven upon it are the symbols of the Deathwatch and the elder Terran rune ‘Omega,’ surrounding an image of the Emperor strangling a coiling serpent. Above these great doors are words in High Gothic that read, “And the last fortress is truth.”

It is before this door that you swear your Apocryphan Oath, binding you to secrecy, forbidding you from disclosing anything of what you see or experience while serving. The final sentences of this oath that are burned into your memory; "You will watch in the dark places where evil slumbers. You will hold back the night. You will bring justice and war to the malevolent Xenos. You will annihilate the alien and bring unto them the judgement of Mankind. You stand as the bulwark upon which the Imperium persists."

This may be a little late looking at the dates above, but someone might find it useful.

I took the following from the novel Deathwatch by Steve Parker. It is a second oath the marines take after their Deathwatch Training is complete. I have taken out the names used in the book, but I hope this helps someone. My players liked it even though I had to feed them their lines.

‘Now, it is time for you to step forward. The moment has come. Watch Captain ___________, call forth the first oath-taker.’

A Watch captain stepped forwards, his black armour chased with gold, embossed with skulls and laurel motifs.

‘We call upon Character Name , Specialty of the Chapter , chosen of his kin, pledged to the service of our order by oath and accord. Come forth. Stand before all and make your pledge.’

‘Brother Character Name , look at me now. Look into my eyes as you make your pledge.’

‘Do you, Character Name , scion of the CHAPTER , swear your loyal service to the Deathwatch for so long as it may be needed?’

‘On the blood of my brothers, so do I swear,’

‘Do you, Character Name , scion of the CHAPTER , swear to stand tall beside your fellow Space Marines, no matter their Chapter, no matter the scars of the past, to fight side-by-side against the xenos threat at the cost of your very life?’

‘On the bones of the primarchs, so do I swear.’

‘And do you, Character Name , now and forever more scion of the Deathwatch, pledge your very soul to the holding of this order’s doctrines, laws and secrets? Swear to this now with all your heart and hold this oath above all else, or forfeit all memory of your time here and be returned to your Chapter in disgrace.’

‘On the eternal sacrifice of the Emperor Himself, so do I swear.’

The words ring out, echoing from the walls. It is the most solemn oath any have heard since swearing fealty to their own lords, their Chapter Masters, and to the martial brotherhoods that had forged them.

Watch Commander _______________lifts his massive plated arms, servos whirring, pistons hissing, and turned his eyes to the assembly. ‘Second Oath is observed. Death be upon all who renege.’

‘Second Oath is observed,’ intoned the assembled warriors.

The Watch Commander turns his dark eyes back to you. ‘Ready yourself, brother, to accept the mark of your promise.’

Chaplain ___________ pulls the brand, now white hot, from the coals, grips your left shoulder with his free hand and says, ‘Duty and honour never to be forgotten.’

‘Duty and honour!’

Chaplain _________________ pushes the glowing brand hard against your bared left pectoral. There is the sound of hissing as skin cells blistered and died, followed by the uppermost layers of tissue beneath.

‘Stand, Brother Character Name , Space Marine of the Deathwatch!’

‘Watch Captain ____________,’ boomed Chapter Master _____________, ‘call forth the next oath-taker.’