Flanking question

By Hans Chung-Otterson, in Battles of Westeros

Do I only get Flanking if my side's engagement token is present?

That is, if I'm the Lannisters, and one of my units is adjacent to a Stark unit, and there's a Stark engagement token between them, and another of my units is ordered to go attack the Stark unit--I don't get flanking here, right? I just remove the Stark engagement token and put a new one between the Stark unit and my new unit, correct?

The rulebook seems to imply this but it never comes right out and says it.

No, you get flanking no matter what side the engagement token shows. The main rule is that only a hex can only ever have one engagement token. If you attack a unit that already has an engagement token, then it is flanking, no matter what.

Currently, the only time the house symbol on the engagement token matters is when there are buildings involved. If a unit is in the building, it gets Cover 1, which is the same as Toughness 1. But, if that units side is showing on the engagement marker, then the unit is considered out of the building, even though it is in the building hex, so it no longer gets Cover 1.

Just imagine that the unit is out in the yard, attacking back.

And ranged attacks never get Flanking.

Wanted to clarify with you guys.

Do flanking units get counterattack by the Target?

aulitier said:

Wanted to clarify with you guys.

Do flanking units get counterattack by the Target?

Yes, like a normal counterattack.