Maximum +60 and Horde Damage

By B3stie, in Deathwatch Rules Questions

Hey Folks,

I have 2 small questions:


In the rules it ist said, that there is a max of +60...

Does that mean dass the sum of all boni(bonuses) is 60 or the overall Bonus ist 60.

For example:

Ballistic Test:


Point Blank +30

Full Auto +20

Size +20

Sum 70 so far


And now:

Crippet Hand -10


What ist now the modificatior: Is it 60 (from 70-10) or is it 50. (max of 60 overall bonus - 10)???


Each hit on a horde makes one point of damage but a second when doing more than 15 pkts of damage.

So would a full Autohit with 8 Bullets hitting do up to 16 damage on the horde or max of 9?

Thanks ind advance and cheers


B3stie said:

Hey Folks,

I have 2 small questions:


In the rules it ist said, that there is a max of +60...

Does that mean dass the sum of all boni(bonuses) is 60 or the overall Bonus ist 60.

For example:

Ballistic Test:


Point Blank +30

Full Auto +20

Size +20

Sum 70 so far

And now:

Crippet Hand -10

What ist now the modificatior: Is it 60 (from 70-10) or is it 50. (max of 60 overall bonus - 10)???


Each hit on a horde makes one point of damage but a second when doing more than 15 pkts of damage.

So would a full Autohit with 8 Bullets hitting do up to 16 damage on the horde or max of 9?

Thanks ind advance and cheers


1.) +60

2.) No, you read that wrong, it doesn't cause a second hit when doing more than 15 pts of damage. It always only makes one hit - unless it doesn't do enough damage to overcome AP and Toughness bonus at all. It doesn't matter whether 1 damage point comes through or 15, always 1 hit with a 'normal' ranged weapon.


Hola Alex, thank you!

where does it say the max bonus is +60? (i.e. page number) i've been trying to see if there is an upward limit on tests but didn't find anything on it on my own.

p244, Under "Step one", second paragraph, first sentence. At least, I think that's it, I pulled that from an older post of mine where I answered the same question.

KommissarK said:

p244, Under "Step one", second paragraph, first sentence. At least, I think that's it, I pulled that from an older post of mine where I answered the same question.

thanks! am i wrong in thinking it should have been mentioned around 203-204 when they discuss skill tests, lol?

Yes to question one the maximum bonus you can ever have is +60 and that is before negative modifiers are applied. Conversely the same applies for negative modifiers, never greater than -60.

For question two as they mentioned above, you only lower the magnitude of a horde by one for each attack that manages to do over 15 points of damage.

Terminus_Est said:

Yes to question one the maximum bonus you can ever have is +60 and that is before negative modifiers are applied. Conversely the same applies for negative modifiers, never greater than -60.

For question two as they mentioned above, you only lower the magnitude of a horde by one for each attack that manages to do over 15 points of damage.

Negative on the 15 points of damage. 15 is used as an example. The horde rules state that any damage that bypasses armour + TB is 1 magnitude damage (per individual hit), barring any odd circumstances (like blast, etc.).

Under further review after double checking, Kommisar is correct and I wrong. Thank you for pointing that out.