Hey Folks,
I have 2 small questions:
In the rules it ist said, that there is a max of +60...
Does that mean dass the sum of all boni(bonuses) is 60 or the overall Bonus ist 60.
For example:
Ballistic Test:
Point Blank +30
Full Auto +20
Size +20
Sum 70 so far
And now:
Crippet Hand -10
What ist now the modificatior: Is it 60 (from 70-10) or is it 50. (max of 60 overall bonus - 10)???
Each hit on a horde makes one point of damage but a second when doing more than 15 pkts of damage.
So would a full Autohit with 8 Bullets hitting do up to 16 damage on the horde or max of 9?
Thanks ind advance and cheers