My Deathwatch Game

By Mattdude00, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Figured since part of the point of this is to discuss our experiences with Deathwatch thus far, I'd go ahead and throw up the game I run on Wednesday nights. When I started, I made sure to pore over all of the variant chapters the community was so helpful to provide, of which, I was willing to offer three. Direach's Salamanders, the Iron Hands floating around the board, and the Raven Guard. I only offered these to specific players, as those were the chapters those people found most interesting. In the end, I wound up with a group of six:

Storm Warden Tactical Marine

Ultramarine Assault Marine

Blood Angel Apothecary

Dark Angel Librarian

Salamander Devastator Marine

Iron Hands Techmarine

I was a little worried when I first started character generation, since I felt like I was asking for issues with two unofficial chapter schemes, and six freakin' players. I've done bigger games, but I've always found them to be a giant, unsustainable headache for all involved. But with the invention of modern tools pushed forward as apps for smartphones, responsible players, and a bit of understanding all around, it's been a really good time.

I started the group out via the promo adventures, Final Sanction and Oblivion's Edge, though as many have likely done, I've modified them to suit the group, and the flow. They've completed the objectives in Final Sanction, and are about to enter the climax of Oblivion's Edge.


I split the party to start, as some players couldn't make the first session. So the Apothecary, Tactical, and Assault Marine tasked themselves with the run to the Astropath's location while off-screen, they ordered their companions to secure the Lordsholm PDF base and prepare to assist them. The three marines making the trek to the tower snuck through the market district, were discovered, and held a running firefight through the Markets, using Tactical Advance cunningly to allow them to leapfrog through cover so that none of them were exposed for long during their run.

Defending the Astropath's tower while she sent the message to the fleet nearly ended poorly, if not for the Assault Marine taking near-fatal wounds in his defense of the Astropath. The Apothecary wound up saving him, and finishing his fallen brother's duty.

Against the Broodlord, the Storm Warden chose to meet it head on, Claymore to claw. This was in an attempt to buy his brothers time to get a better position on it.

I altered the beginning of Oblivion's edge the most; The characters were tasked with deciding on the defense of what was left of Lordsholm. Their plan involved several fallback points, and using the Assault Marine to take out the dam at an appropriate time to flood the city's canals, the surrounding towns, and hopefully buy them a few more hours. The Assault marine was not derelict in his duty, but was very nearly killed returning from the Dam, as he had to fight through Tyranid swarms in the air and the ground.

The siege of Lordsholm continued for several hours, with the remaining PDF, the marines, and the governor's people pushed back to the PDF base, where that landing pad was their final defensive point. At one point, the marines maintained a Strongpoint formation, with the Dark Angel serving as the anchor with his Chapter Psychic Ability. A poor Perils check featured him summoning a Vortex of Doom, which the Librarian wrestled away from himself, refusing to give ground and ruin both the squad's tactic and his sustained power.

The climax of the fight featured a siege-breaker creature (based loosely on a Carnifex, but I play with 40k vets, so I like changing things up a little) storming the base, virtually flattening everything. The landing pad became a dangerous proposition, as it was partially collapsed by the creature, but some clever grenade work from the Apothecary and the Librarian finally brought it down.

It was here, when things looked bleakest, that the Kill-team was contacted by the fleet in orbit. They were bid to reach the spaceport, which turned into a horrible realization - they didn't have the room in the two Chimeras to bring everyone there if they chose to save the PDF men. Bravely, the Devastator stepped off the transport, firing his Heavy bolter at the onslaught. He was joined by the Librarian and the Tactical Marine, who told their comrades they would perform a fighting retreat to the space port. All the PDF men who were left climbed aboard, followed by the other marines, who reluctantly left them to their fate.

Once at the space port, the Apothecary broke ranks, commandeered one of the Chimeras and went out for his brothers. He found them barely a third of the way to the port, the Devastator having emptied and lost his Heavy bolter fighting instead with a hammer and bolt pistol. The Librarian had emptied his flamer, and the Tactical Marine his bolter. The Tactical Marine insisted that the Librarian run, being more valuable than he, but both stubbornly held their ground. The Tactical Marine's knee was crippled by a beast, and the Librarian's prized armor was pierced by the hordes, but the Apothecary swooped in, picked them up, and ran for the port, the hordes of Tyranids hot on their heels. It was close, but they managed to escape.

Next session, they face the Tyranid hive ship, and with all that has happened so far, I look forward to it. That, and when they decide to chase down whoever diverted these beasts to a peaceful Agri-world.

I hope everyone's game is bringing them suitably awesome moments. I haven't regretted for a second purchasing and running this setting.

Sounds like a pretty solid game. I havent gotten a chance to look thru final sanc. but ur write up gave me some great ideas. yeah sounds like your game is gonna have alot of promise. hope u keep us up to date

Nice work on the game! Sounds like the players are really getting into the spirit of Deathwatch.

The assault on the hive ship went... well.

They survived the muscle tunnels, they took out the bile flumes.

Then, on the trek up through the ship, they saw the cannon, and were torn.

It was decided that the Apothecary would take out the spore cannon alone. The rest moved on, leaving him alone to take it out. He succeeded, however, he was forced into running climb/chase as a pile of hormagaunts attacked. He made it to another blister and unfortunately wound up burning a fate point to stay attached to the hull. He wound up rescuing the crew of the Eye of Scintilla.

The rest of them made it to the hive mind, and attempted to use explosives to do it. When the warriors attacked, they were eventually dispatched (after the Tactical Marine lost an arm, and a finger), and after a struggle with the Hive Mind, they planted the explosives. But the Apothecary made it to them with an army of gaunts at his heels. With only a few minutes to spare, and no safe way to detonate the explosives, the Librarian set off the Teleport Homer and stood aside. He then detonated the explosives while protecting them from the Tyranids.

So. Next week, we need a new member of the Kill Team. But then, everyone saved Avalos, just barely.

This sounds so good