I'm thinking of getting this game but am really interested in what you people think who have played it.
Pro's and Cons ??
Miniatures and quality of the game??
Is it easy, fun, hard, boring ???
Many thanks for your responses
I'm thinking of getting this game but am really interested in what you people think who have played it.
Pro's and Cons ??
Miniatures and quality of the game??
Is it easy, fun, hard, boring ???
Many thanks for your responses
I'll give you my three pros and cons for this game.
1. Beautiful miniatures and fantastic artistic design. In fact I like the miniatures so much I'm working on making Runebound and Descent versions of the heroes so I can use them in those games as well.
2. The game involves a fun mix of racing around to collect stuff, combat and also knowing when to "cash in" your treasure with the guild to get the most value for your items. Each game seems to last about an hour for our group.
3. The game comes with eight different scenarios which provide different obstacles for the gangs to deal with. Which doesn't mean that they radically alter the nature of the game, but they do add to the enjoyment of the game. Plus with some house rules, its very easy to expand on these eight to make them more complex or even design your own.
1. The game as a whole is very simple, which makes it easy to teach to children and non-gamers, but which also means it might not have enough "meat" for more serious gamers.
2. Combat is also very simple, and I'm hoping we'll see some "Advanced Rules" someday with maybe a new set of advanced stat cards for each gang member to make them more unique and special.
3. Lots of the components seem underused in the base game, especially the two neutral characters and all the townspeople tokens. I'm hoping this means there will be additional content posted online, or possibly future expansions down the road.
At the end of the day I really enjoy the base game for what it is, a light race game with some combat and card play. Its a great game to play with your kids and it plays quickly so its easy to fit in a game. That said, its certainly not a heavy game by any means and its not going to have you spending long hours working out new strategies to try. I am hoping the community will embrace the game though, and that we will see lots of fan made material coming down the pipe line... but who knows.
Played it for the first time yesterday. I didn't mind it so much, but the other three players hated it. I think it's got great "character", mainly the art and miniatures look different from anything you're used to playing, but the game play is so different from anything you're used to playing that it becomes a massive paradigm shift. Due to this, some players are going to shift fine and love the game, others won't and will hate the game.
The number 1 complaint, "Why are ALL the stats the same?!? If they're all the same, why bother printing them on the card?!?"
Thank you for the comments, really appreciated.
I have to admit i started of is this hobby as a professional painter for couple of games companies so the actual playing of games was never high on my agenda until recently it was always more about the painting of the miniatures.
I have been playing wargames now for a couple of years but only this year have started looking at board games and i have to say im loving them.
So I guess you could call me a novice.
From what's been said Warbringer some of the cons to me are actuly pros lol
I have Dust Tactics which I love and and now thinking of expanding my FFG collection as personaly I think there the best games company around and there is something for everyone.
What other games do you enjoy??? or would you consider a rival for Cadwallon currently from FFG
Just wanting to explore all options before I take the leap.
As someone with a huge boardgame collection and many, many titles from FFG, let me give you some recommendations for different types of games.
Runebound: A great race/adventure game which plays wonderful solo, and is very enjoyable with 2-3 players. It also has a LOT of expansions which means you have a wide variety of stories to play through. Its been my favorite game for a long time, but thats probably because it lets an old DM (me) get a chance to play around at being the hero and I find it very fun to play solo. Its sister games; Descent, Dungeonquest, and Runewars are set in the same universe and utilize the "hero" mechanic in very different ways. If you have a game store where you can try each of them out (and Cadwallon for that matter) I would recommend playing a game with each of them before spending your money. I'd also recommend checking out the website boardgamegeek for reviews on all the games on this list, plus session reports, fan made content, etc. The more you research the games, the more likely your going to spend your money wisely.
Arkham Horror: If you looking for a purely cooperative style game, and enjoy the Cthulhu mythos... this could be right for you. That said, its a lot of rules and its a game I would recommend playing before buying as most people either love it or hate it, and there is no guarantee which camp you'll fall into.
Battlestar Galactica: If you a fan of the tv show and enjoy semi-cooperative games then this is about as good as it gets. Lots of excitement, hidden cylons, and just a really fun, fun game. Its biggest weakness is probably that it you need 4+ players in order to play.
One weakness of the above game is they take longer to play than Cadwallon, with Arkham being by far the longest typically. Some shorter games with some action/adventure/excitement would be:
Death Angel: The Space Hulk Card Game: If your a fan of the 40k universe or the Aliens movies, and your looking for a great game that plays solo or cooperative... this is a game you will enjoy.
Citadels: Another card game where players compete at building the best medieval city.
Through the Desert: Its an abstract game involving caravans and camels, but its also a lot of fun.
Thank you ever so much for your very helpful advice, I will ponder and research more.