King Mickey I've seen anywhere from 28.00 (same website as Cloud) to 50.00.....even though he's not worth 50.00 imo since for that I could buy a box and pull him and more cards.
finals trade thread updated yep i only got 1 want now (sr sora lv 1 from set 1)
ya people who are going too sell them for more , cloud is worth the monny
i know thise site is new but i was on the old one i know prices so i realy dont need a guide
like ive pulled a sephiroth when i bout 10 packs and no thise isnt luck now that there are more sru in thise new set you pull them more often
I think Cloud is worth more too, but you used to be able to find him for $10, and Mickey for $15. Not anymore though...doesn't really matter to me, I would never buy them, and I'm not to into selling, so if I did sell, it would have to be for a really high price...
back to topic ....
Did you see anything for Peter Pan lvl 2 SR and Ariel lvl 2 SR?
im going too post pond trades intill saturday cause i just found out i will be able too go to my local game store and buy kh cards and i dont realy want to trade abd pull what i just traded for ..sorry ....but ya i did see stuff i like soul eater and sr riku lv 3 from set 2
What would you want for Ariel lvl 2 SR. Shes the only thing I don't have or is not getting, check my trade list. If you want some Rs, just tell me which ones. But I'm selling one of every C/U/R from every set, so I can't trade any Soul Eaters, because 2 go to Anarchy, 1 stays with me, and last one I'm selling.
ok updated
do you see any thing that you would like or thing you wood like for cloud
and for the ariel i pulled all the rares i needed and as you can see way to many rares i already had
Srry, nothing for Cloud. At this point he is the rarest cards out there, considering he is worth the most. (King Mickey is now worth less according to Ebay). So, if anything I would want King Mickey, and maybe something else or just the King. I only have one Cloud, so most likely I won't be trading him anytime soon.
What would you want for the Ariel then? Shes not a high want, no SR card is really unless it is SRU for me at least. Check my trade thread for anything you would like.
i got foil daisy how about her and other stuff for cloud
bump ..................
bump ..............
finalform13 said:
i got foil daisy how about her and other stuff for cloud
I just set up a trade with Darwing Duck for the King. So right now, I only want the Ultima Weapon, that is the only way I would trade away for any SRU. I'm also selling, but the Cloud is quite expensive, and that is after I decide. Cloud is either the top or close to it. I won't just give him away, probably not even for a Sora lvl 2 promo, because I think they'll release those eventually, and if they do, it'll have been for naught.
how much? is cloud?
Hey champ how much for Tink promo NF?...
you talking to me or champishere ? cause thise is my thread
Junito, if you want to talk just post it in my thread, don't want to start any flamming.
finalform, he'll be very hard to get off me. The least I would want is $45 since, that is his price on Ebay. Since I do however only have one, and considering that he is one of the top if not the rarest card out, I would probably ask for more.
oops i though this was champs thread, hey final how much for tink NF promo?...
make an offer junito
y would you charge more for cloud? He would just go buy it on ebay
$5 and one card that you need (not include Cloud) jaja, just let me know...~^
Generally, I don't want to sell them, so if you do, don't forget the people on Ebay have like $3-$5 shipping, why for one card, I will never know?
What would you want for Hercules lvl 3 SR, Ariel lvl 2 SR, Sally SR, and Parasite Cage R?
since both are on my mild wants I would be willing to trade 2-3 rares (for one SR) and 1 for 1 for Cage. let me know.
What would you want for Lord Fortune SR, Daisy foil, and Ariel lvl 2 SR.
The thing is, Ariel lvl 2 SR is really high on my wants...actually, right now, it is the only thing on my wants, but since Roxas asked first, I'll have to be curtious, and if it doesn't work out with him, I'll be waiting for her.